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The next day;

I decided to go join my parents at the beach,I'll get to tan,I saw Joe playing volleyball with his friends,I was still upset at him.

"There's Joe,how about you go say hi,while your dad and I talk?" my mom asked,"No,never." I laid my head back,I heard them sigh,"I'm going to get me a drink,you got 2 minutes." I glared,I got up and headed to the bar.

"I want a Virgin Strawberry Daiquiri." I ordered. "Demi,can we please talk." Joe grabbed my arm,I snapped back,"Don't touch me!" I glared,"What did I do to make you mad? Let me fix it." he begged,"You should know what you did,I'm not going to fucking tell you,just stay away from you. I had it with you." I glared,he sighed,"Fine,go ahead and spoil yourself." he rolled his eyes and walked off.

I rolled my eyes and paid the bartender, I grabbed my drink and headed back to spot,"Back,miss me? Probably not."  I sat down,sipping my drink,"I think you're being hard on Joe,Demetria." my dad said,I laughed with no humor,"No way." 

My phone rang,"Hold on,it's Selena." I answered,"Hey girl." I smiled,"Hey,turn to your right." she said,"Why?" I asked,"Just do it." she said,I turned my head and saw her,"SELENA!" I screamed,I got up and hugged her,"Hey!!" she smiled,"What the hell!? What are you doing here?!" I smiled.

"I begged and begged and my mom got me a ticket to fly here,but I'm only here for like 2 days,tho. I got camp soon." she rolled her eyes,"Ew,but omg I miss a normal human being!" I hugged her. "Two spoiled brats?" Joe smirked,I glared,"So is this the guy you kept telling me about,the douchebag?" Selena raised a brow.

Joe chuckled,"Glad I'm talked about." I rolled my eyes,"You and your brother,who is staring at my friend's boobs,verses us." I crossed my arms,"Deal." he smirked,he head to the same side of the net at his brother,"Wake up,little bro." he pushed him.

I punted the ball across the net,Joe punted it back,"GET IT SELENA!" I yelled,Selena ran and hit it over the net,"YES!" I high fived her. Nick hit it over the net,we didn't run to hit it fast enough."Ha! 1-0." Joe smiled,I rolled my eyes. He hit the ball over the net.


The boys won,but I didn't really care,"Hey,Selly,wanna go ask my parents for money so we could go to the waterpark?" I smiled,"Sure." Selena smiled,"Can I go?" Nick asked,I looked at Joe,"Would you like to go too?" I glared.

"Ha,no way." Joe walked off,"Thank god." I mumbled. "Sure." Selena shrugged,We headed to my parents,"Daddy..can I have some money,so Selena,Nick,and I go to  the Wet'n'Wild?" I begged,my dad looked at my mom,then at me,"Sure.How much is it?" my dad asked.

"It's $47.99 for each person,plus $8 for a parking pass." I smiled,he added it up and handed me his car,"Don't over spend." my dad glared,"I won't,thank you daddy." I grabbed my stuff,"Nick,you're driving." We headed to Nick's car. I got in the back,since Selena wanted to sit up front with Nick.


We waited in line for the Raging River,"Can you stop staring at my boobs?" Selena looked at Nick,I laughed,"He gets it from his brother." I smirked,"You know what,shut up." Nick glared at me,"Whoa,chill down." I got on the tube,I held on. 

Once we were all on the ride,the worker pushed us and we started sliding,I screaming,smiling,"WOOO!!!" I smiled. Selena was screaming the whole ride there,that girl can scream.

"Let's do the big Kahuna." Nick smiled,I laughed,"Something your brother doesn't have." we headed,"You haven't seen it." he ran his fingers through his wet hair,"Have you?" I looked at him,I laughed,"Why would that surprise me? Ya'll are GAY." I laughed.

"Oh it's a 3 person tube."   Selena said,"So Nick will be front,you middle and me at the end." I said,"Okay."  Selena smiled,she didn't seem to care.

We stayed the rest of the day there,Selena and Nick seem to get close,making me the third wheel,ew. "Nick invited me to a party,can I please,please go?!" Selena begged,"Selena,I'm not your mother,go if you want to." I sighed,"I'm going to get a taxi to get me home." I shrugged.

"You sure you don't want to go?" Nick said,"Hell no."  I sighed,"You guys go have fun." I smiled a little and called for a taxi.


I paid the driver and headed inside,"Demi,I'm sorry." Joe came out of nowhere,"You know what I find damn hilarious? How you fucking know where I am." I laughed a little,"Small place? I mean,I've been waiting here...I realized what made you mad and I'm sorry...please forgive me..I didn't mean it..I was just shocked." he said.

"It's too late,Joe. I don't want to become closer to you this summer,it's just best if I push you away,like I have done everybody else. Night." I unlocked the door."Let's go Mini Golf..right now." he said,I turned around,"At 8? It's dark?" I said,"Mini Golf is more fun at  night." he smiled,I looked at him.

"Fine,let me get into something more comfortable. Stay here." I headed inside.


Golf is the next chapter :D

A Different Summer. [Jemi]Where stories live. Discover now