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There were packed boxes and suitcases,”What’s going on here?” I looked at them,”We’re going back to New York. Go pack your bags.” my dad looked at me,my heart dropped,”What?! Why?”

“Your mother doesn’t feel comfortable being pregnant and not have a GYN here and you obviously don’t like it here,so pack your bags.” my dad instructed,I scoffed,I ran out. I don’t know where I was going,but I was running.


“So how was the sex?” Nick snickered as I grabbed my towel,”How do you know we had sex?” i put my towel around my neck,”You have that,’I just had sex’ face.” he sat on my bed,”Did you guys do it in the ocean,cause damn,you’re soaking wet.”

“Well...we were at the beach and it started raining...so we headed to the pier and it just happened…” I shrugged,grinning,”Wait,you guys did it under the pier?” he raised a brow,”Yes,bro. Now,I’m going to get in the shower.” I walked out of my bedroom and into the shower.

Once I got out of the shower,I heard my cell phone rang,I was worried it was Demi, I wrapped my towel around my waist and rushed to my bedroom,I answered,”Hello?”

“Is this Joe?” someone asked,”Yeah,is this Mrs.Lovato?” I sat on my bed,”Hello Joe,um,Demi kind of ran off,her dad and I got her upset,I guess and Eddie is out looking for her.” she sighed,”I’ll go help.”

“No,I was asking if she was at your place?” she asked,”No,no...she isn’t. Let me help.” I took off my towel and slipped on a pair of boxers,”You’ve done enough,Joe. Thanks.” she hung up.

I rolled my eyes,I slipped on my jeans and a black shirt,I grabbed my jacket and my keys,”I’m going out,mom.” I kissed her cheek,”In this type of weather,Joe? You just got home.” my mom looked at me,”I know,but Demi is missing...I need to find her.” I sighed,”Here,take this umbrella.” she handed it to me,”Thanks mom.” I grabbed it and headed off to my jeep. I got in and drove around everywhere that I would think she would be.

I sighed,I decided to try the beach because that’s where I found her,I parked my car and got out with my umbrella,I walked along the beach,calling her name. Nothing.

I saw someone on the pier,it was very vague. I rushed to the pier and I ran to the end of the pier,”DEMI!?” I ran,she turned around,she looked like she was crying,”What’s wrong?” I stroke her cheek,”God gave me the worst parents...I’m so sorry..” she slid down the side and sat down,”Why you sorry? What’s going on?” I sat next to her,”Once you dropped me off...I went inside...and bags were packed,Joe...we’re going back to New York….because my mom doesn’t feel being pregnant is here is safe...and they think I don’t like it here…” she sniffled,I looked down at my lap,”So you ran off?”

“I ran off because I didn’t know what to do...At first I didn’t like it here...then I met you and I like it here...this like happens every time..I like something and I’m happy and they come and destroy it...I don’t want to leave...she’s not even that far along.”

I sighed,”Let me take you home,tell them how you feel…” I kissed her cheek,”They won’t listen,they don’t care how I feel. They will make me go and I have to leave you.” she wiped her eyes,”You never know.” I got up and helped her up,”Come on.”

I put my around her as we headed to my car,I drove her to her house,”I’ll stay here until it’s okay,babe.” I pecked her lips,she nodded and got out.


I headed inside,kind of scared and nervous at the same time. “Demetria,Why did you run off like that?! You scared us to death!” my mom crossed her arms.

“Look,I don’t want to go back to New York. I’m finally liking it here,I don’t want to leave Joe just yet. You can’t take that away from me,please don’t take that away from me.”  I looked at them,trying not to cry.


“I know I have been a spoiled brat lately and I know I didn’t want to come,but that was before I met Joe. I’m happy and if you take that from me,” I wiped my eyes,”I don’t think I could ever forgive you...I was not happy when you announced that you were pregnant...but I got over it because of Joe…..I never had a guy that could make me so happy….” I looked at them,”Please..”

My parents exchanged looks and sighs.

“Please….” I fiddled with my fingers,”You have to promise me you will behave if we leave you here….we will leave the maids,butlers,and cooks for you. We’ll call you often,so you better answer. If we hear anything going on in the house with you and Joe,you’re coming straight home.”

I smiled,”THANK YOU,THANK YOU!” I ran and hugged them,”Did you hear me?” my dad gave me a look,”Yes,but what do you mean by going on in the house with Joe?”

“You know,parties and sex.” my dad glared,I smiled,”Alright,none of that. Thank you,thank you!!” I couldn’t be anymore happier.


The next couple days,I was over at Demi’s. I was on her couch as she was in her boxer shorts and a tank,dancing to her favorite band,”Can you turn that off?” I groaned,she turned it down and came and straddled my lap,she wrapped her arms around my neck. My eyes were centered on her cleavage that her shirt gave,”Hey.” she pulled my chin up.

“You don’t like One Direction?” she smirked,”No. Have you seen how skinny their legs are and they wear those tight jeans,its’ disgusting.” she hissed,”You’re so dumb.” she played with the back of my hair,”Take that back!” I pecked her lips,”So if they came to Hawaii,you would leave me for them?”

“Probably,yes.” she giggled,”Well,I see where we stand.” I glared,playfully,”Standing? We’re sitting.” she made a joke,I laughed a little,”Ha! Well,if Jennifer Lopez came and said she wanted to date younger men,I would be there.”

“Fuck you.” she flipped me off,I smiled and stuck her middle finger in my mouth and sucked on it,she threw her head back,laughing,”You’re so weird!”

A Different Summer. [Jemi]Where stories live. Discover now