10. Starving

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You tap your foot anxiously. You've been in this same dark room for hours, and you're no doubt starving.

"Hey! Guy! I'm hungry! Get me some food!" You shout up with a hoarse voice.

No response.


The Bad Man comes down to you, you could call it your prison if you wanted to. "Hello." He says with no emotion. He drops half a loaf of bread at your feet.

"Hi. Can I go now?" You ask, picking up the slightly stale bread. "Like... NOW?" You run to climb up the ladder. You escaped the cold dark basement of which you were held captive. You close the trapdoor and throw some heavy crap on it on instinct, though it was also an act on terror. Through this escape, you still have your nice but stale bread. Yay!

You run towards a door which was what you thought was freedom. You swing it open and find what was hidden behind it. Freedom. Sweet and luscious freedom. You don't waste time, you get smart. You run.

Right into Hoseok.

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