11. Walls

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"Lana? What are you doing here?" Hoseok doesn't look confused like you would he would.

"We have to go... now!" You start trying to run, slightly limping because of your wound.

"Lana... why are you running?" Hoseok grabs your hand right before it leaves grabbing hid distance.

Man, he's fast, you think to yourself. "Why are you

Hoseok cocks his head to the right. "Umm... Lana. This is my house."

"Wait? What?!" You freak out and slap his hand from yours. Why would you be in Hoseok's

The Bad Man, your captor comes of the house. "Hyung?" He looks surprised why Hoseok is here. "What are you doing back so soon?"

"Oh... ermm.. Jimin." Hoseok scratches the back of his neck. "I... errr... I failed."

The Bad Man, or 'Jimin' sighs. "Hyung. You must protect her, if she is what you say." He comes closet to Hoseok and whispers. "That boy loves her. You must protect her. I just captured her for you, for you to love her, you must."

Hoseok nods to him. "I understand." Hoseok then turns to you. He grabs your wrists in his strong grip.

"W-what?!" You struggle, but he just tightens his grip on you. "Hoseok... stop."

Hoseok hangs on to your wrists, the grip's strength and power keep growing. At this point he could cut off your circulation, it did not seem like he cared, though.

You notice Jimin is moving. He comes up to your face. "Nice girl here, Hyung." He then stuff a cloth in your mouth and knocks you out.


"Did you have to hit her that hard, Jimin?" A voice grunts, a familiar voice.

"It's so she can't escape, and I can't control my strength. Get off my back, Hyung!" Jimin's voice is heard as well.

You slowly lift your eyelids. You scan the men in front of you. One. Two. Three. Four. These four men include Hoseok and Jimin.

"She awake, hyung!" One of them says, grinning. He has big doe eyes and tar black hair, he has cute almost bunny-like teeth.

"I see that, Jungkook." Hoseok says, annoyed. "Watch her for a second, okay, guys?"

Jimin sighs. "You two. I have to go, you two watch." Jimin and Hoseok leave together, and their conversation is just noise from how far away you are.

"Hyung? Can I touch her?" The one named Jungkook asks the one whose name you had yet to find out.

"Fine." The other man says, sighing, "Just do not go too
far, ok?"

You watch Jungkook closely as he investigates you. After a few minutes, he finally pulls back. "Hoseok hyung picked a nice one."
Jungkook says, making you feel weird.

The other man comes closer to observe your face. "He did, didn't he?"

"Who are you?" You suddenly ask. You need answers, from one person or the other.

"Oh, sorry sweetie. We forgot to introduce ourselves!" Jungkook giggles. "I'm the maknae of our group, Jungkook." He gestures to the other man in a playful way. "That's Yoongi."

"It's actually Suga." The other man says in a colder manner. "You're Jameson Lana."

"Yeah..." you're very distracted. Both of them are quite handsome. From that smooth complexion to those adorable eyes.

"Yoongi hyung, what's Hoseok gonna do with her? I want her if he doesn't care," Jungkook whines.

Yoongi smiles, it's a gummy smile. Hints of his gums are shown as it flashes across his handsome face. "I don't know, Jungkook. But you know Hoseok, very possessive."

Jungkook giggles. "You're pretty possessive yourself, Hyung."

"Excuse me?" Yoongi says, looking almost offended.

"Remember the last girl you had?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows at the older.

"Shut up," Yoongi growls at Jungkook "That's none of your business. Don't talk about things you don't know for yourself."

A flash of hurt is seen in Jung-kook's eyes but is replaced with an embarassed look. "I'm sorry, Yoongi hyung." He looks at the floor.

"I'm still here." You say out loud, catching their attention.

Yoongi sighs. "Okay, Lana. Jungkook gets a little alone time with you, I'm sure Hoseok wouldn't mind if he watched you alone." Yoongi smiles again, but it looks devilish. "Bye." He walks quickly out the door.

Jungkook turns to you, a big grin on his face. "Don't worry, kitten..." He comes closer, but you can't move.

"I won't be rough."

Jungkook is such a perv in this fanfiction... sorry Kookie.

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