chapter 15

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Wayo Pov

On the  next  day , I was trying to call  to him  and  explain. Say how  sorry I was, but  he  doesn't  answered  to my calls.

For  the  next  four  day's he  wasn't  in  work, and  he  don't  picked  my  phones. In  mean  time  ,my father  already arranged  everything for  our  trip, and  my luggage  was pack.

On the  fifth  day I was under  his apartment, but  he  wasn't  there, or  probably he  doesn't  want  to see  me.  I even  was in  his family  restaurant,  but  his mother  refuse  to talk  with  me.  I know  that  she  was mad, because  I  was the  one that  put  her  son  in  trouble, and  she  warned  me  earlier. But  I really was in  despair.

When I woke  up  on  weekend, my  eyes  were  all  red, and  I  barely could  sleep  last  night. I didn't  want  to leave, but now  I couldn't  tell  that  to dad.

He  was to excited  about  us spending so much  time  together.  And  he  already arranged  everything.

–You're luggage  was sent  with  mine  to  the  airport.- He  explained  during the  breakfast.


–Yes, we  don't  have  much  time  till  fly hour.

–I know.- I sighed  looking at  him.

–You've already talk  with  friend's?

–Yes, they  will  miss me.

–I will...

–Please excuse  me  for  interrupted, but  it's quiet  urgent.- Our  butler  came  into the  room.

–Yes Phi,  what's the  matter?

–Some young man  insist  to  be  let  into the  mansion  area. I felt  a bit  of  a hope.

–What's his name?

–Mr. Kongtanin.

–Pha.- I stood  up.

–Sit down  right  now,  Yo.- Father  scolded  me.- Let  him  in, but  tell  the  guards to be  prepare. Och, and  tell the  driver  to park  the  car  before  residence.

–Yes sir.

–And prepare  another  cover  for  our  guest.

–Right away.

He  leaves us alone.

–He came.- I felt  relieve.

–Wayo, behave  yourself.

I was to excited  to listen  to  him, especially when  Phana came  inside. He  looked  exhausted  just  like  me. 

His eyes were  red, and  I could  clearly see  the  bags under  them. He  looked  straight  at  me  with  a small  smile  on  his lips.

–I'm really sorry for  my  intrusion  sir, but  can  I have  a word  in  private  with  you're  son.

–I refuse.- Father  shocked  me.-  You  can  sit  and  talk  with  him  in  my  presence, or  you  can  leave. 

– Pa.

– We have  a flight  and  we  can't  be  late.

–I understand.- He  took  a sit  in  front  of  me.

–I'm sorry.- I sniffed.- It's my  fault.

–It's not, I just over  reacted.- He  agree.- We  can  work  this out, when  you  will  back.

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