Chapter 3

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The Hunt

It was finally the weekend and we could find Sam. When we went out to go find him, we checked in all the places I had checked when I went looking for him the first time, and we couldn't find him. When we where walking back home, I saw something out of place. I told my mom and dad, and they examined it. When they got closer, they saw something jump at them. IT WAS SAM!!

I was so delighted to see him. I hugged him so hard that he could barely breathe. All of us had a huge group hug. We went back home and everything was back to normal. The following day I took down all the signs. It looks like we didn't really need them.

The next day and the day after that I invited my friends over after school for a play date. When they saw Sam they were so surprised that he hugged them. He was always a good hugger after all. I was so happy that I had new friends, a good school, and most importantly Sam.

You don't think that this was the end of the story right. This was only just the beginning!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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