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Due to having a shitty phone, if I type Grell it autocorrects to "Grill".
I'm having the hardest time with the phone. 😑😑

"Come out come out Willy-poo, you've kept a lady waiting far too long~"

The red haired reaper ran her tongue over her sharp canines, glancing in every which direction. William was hiding. Well, he was tired of Grell and he wanted to be alone for a while.

Typical William.

Her scythe hit the ground in defeat, plopping on the ground with her legs close to her waist. "I give up. Constantly going out of my way to get a man to love me and this is what I get."

The truth is, Grell didn't feel that she fit in anymore. Ronald had pushed her away, Sebastian had beat her into a bloody pulp, and Undertaker didn't care about her. He just used her, no love, only lust.

In this place, she only had William and he didn't want her either.

She stood slowly after a few moments to gather herself, signing once she decided to head home.

"Have I really been that much of a disappointment to him?"

William had been watching her from a distance, watching out for her wreckless self.

His remaining frown would have scared off anyone, even Grell.

He sighed

"My entire existence has changed. Since being a human and taking my life, no one had ever put me before themselves like Grell has.."

Lost in his train of thought, he hadn't heard the commotion from below. A swarm of demons had surrounded Grell, snarls and growls of want.

He only looked down when a shrill scream of terror filled the night. His feet had carried him to the edge of the roof, not once stopping.

With a red face of anger, William landed directly onto the head of the leader of the pack. His body was slouched until he saw the red shoes of his colleague. "Do forgive me Grell, I believe I have some apologizing to do." Using his scythe, Will pushed up his glasses and jumped up just before another demon could lunge at him.

"You see, for the longest time I pushed people away. I feared that if I let anyone get to me then I would loose the face facade and fall behind in my studies and.." He trailed the last bit off and then moved his scythe behind him with his left hand, grabbing the demon by the neck and pushing him back, his throats being cut in the process. "Take everything and run." Grell bit his lip, taking Williams words into consideration. Her heart began to beat harder, then turning to run off as the pack moved in closer for the kill. William sighed heavily, watching her hurry up and leave the area.

When he turned to face them, the ravenette only pushed his glasses up, taking count. "Twelve to one, doesn't seem fair but I'll give it a shot." He spoke sarcastically, moving to take one step back to prepare himself for the fight.





He kept a mental count of all those demons who had fallen, they were stronger than what they looked. He was getting tired.

William gritted his teeth as he came down on the next one .


His eyes closed when the other few began to pick him up, pinning him to the wall. "Tch." He said in pain as the demons began to attempt to take his scythe. That being the only way to kill a reaper is with their own weapon. Though the scratches and violent tears of his skin did hurt badly.

William could only let them, there were too many of them. His hand eventually gave out and they took the scythe from him, one grabbing it and looking up at William with a devilish smile.

There was a long pause and the reaper had rested his head against the brick wall, eyes shutting. Though, the stab never came. The grips all over his body were gone, there was no one in front of him except the one and only Michaelis.

"Well Mr. Spears, it seems you had yourself quite the crowd tonight. What are you doing here exactly, there isn't the faintest smell of blood, only yours." He smirked at him and gave him the scythe, leaning in close to his face.

"Stay out of these parts, I won't be here to save you next time." He pulled away and began to walk out to the street, a smirk still present. William sighed heavily and heard a distant scream coming towards him.

He could see her running towards him, glasses gone at this point, shattered and broken. The blob of red made its way closer to him, embracing him tightly, her ear going to his chest to see if there was still a strong heartbeat. William wrapped his shaky hands around her. He fell to the ground, his knees hitting the ground hard.

"It's okay.. I'm alright." She cried out, screaming at him about anything that crossed her mind. "Grell.. listen." She sniffled and bit her lip. "I love you too." He leaned in before anything could be said from the female and placed his lips on the girls.

And the curtains close.
This was shit.
I missed you all! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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