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        "Where are we going?" I questioned Anna, the roads unfamiliar though considering I hadn't lived here any of my life, I wasn't surprised.

I could see Anna's smile fade once Michael, whom she told me about on the way to our unknown destination glanced at her through the mirror, giving her a harsh stare, her mood completely folding. I wasn't sure why Anna was with Michael, one of Luke's friends I briefly remember back when I was in his room, although I shoved it off, reminding myself to ask her later.

"We are going nowhere." She shrugged, Luke quickly glancing back, giving me a stern look. "You and Luke on the other hand" She paused, the car coming to an immediate stop, causing me to hit my head on the seat in front of me. "Are hanging out." Anna quickly undid my belt for me, exiting the back door and rounding to the passenger side where Michael's head stuck out the window.

"Since when does hanging out consist of making out and touchy feely gestures?" Luke rolled his eyes, his hand grabbing my own and pulling me away from a laughing Michael. I hesitated to ask Luke where we were going, deciding it was best to stay quiet and enjoy the walk of silence, before gaping in aw at the scene before me.

"How did you find this place?" I smiled, walking along the bridge in joy, my hand out to let a butterfly crawl its way onto the surface.

"My parents." He shrugged, and I could easily tell it wasn't a topic he was interested in discussing, so I simply continued to walk until Luke pulled me back, taking a seat above a calm river floating across the entire park.

"I haven't been here since the night of my parents death," I choked on air, fighting the urge to apologize when I knew he had heard enough of that. "My mother always told me to bring the girl I loved here" He waited a moment, his hand overlapping my own.

I left it.

"She always said I would enjoy watching her looking out at the scenery," His thumb ran over the back of my hand, "watching her smile at the place." My eyes met with the smooth gestures Luke was giving me, my heart fluttering, much like my eyes.

"My mother always said to take the girl I loved here because she would fall in love with the place, and seeing nothing but joy in her eyes will bring some to mine if I truly did love her." I gave Luke a tiny smile, deciding to let him continue , that was if he had to.

"The look in your face when I brought you here said it all." He cooed, the wind increasing its speed and gradually growing colder.

"It might have only been for a few seconds but I saw it, the joy in your eyes," His other hand fumbled with the side of his jeans, a clear hole noticeable from the angle we were sitting in. "It brought some joy to mine." He turned to face me, his other hand grabbing my hip furthest in his reach, though he seemed to have no trouble considering his arms were longer then most.

"That's how I knew this was all worth it." His eyes grew wide, the hand that was placed on my hip was brought up to my face, cupping my cheek in his palm. "I knew the night we had sex I felt more then I should. I knew taking you on that date would make me like you even more. I was aware of what I was putting you into but I couldn't help myself," He shrugged, his thumb toying with a strand of hair.

"Im a bad person, Johanna." I almost wanted to spit a remark back in his face, but I could tell by the fear that was written over him, we were on total seperate pages.

"I don't want to hurt you," To late for late, Hemmings. "But I can't help but need you more and more everyday."

My stomach was in a knot and my head was spinning, and I don't know if I should call this a sign of passing out or a sign of love. "I want to treat you the way you deserve. I want to protect you. I want to be there for you if that's what you want, Jo."

A soft sigh escaping my lips, I couldn't help but bring my free hand up to his face, mimicking his action and feel the dizzy feeling all over again.

"The thing is Luke," I paused, my voice slightly cracking as a few raindrops hit against my skin, the sky growing weery and dark." I don't know what I want."

In such a simple gesture, Luke lifted our body's from the ground, his arms firmly around my waist, his thumb drawing tiny shapes against the small of my back, and I couldn't help but ease into the feeling of his bare skin on my own.

"I know what I want, babe," Luke's lips brushed against my own, and it was almost physically impossible to pretend like this isn't what I wanted. "You." He whispered, the rain almost to cold to bare, though being wrapped in Luke's arms and his words putting me under a trance, I was lost in a daze.

"Be mine, Johanna." Luke's lips pressed firmly against mine, his arms curling me closer to his body, his tongue softly swiping across my own before the kiss went back to sweet and simple.

"Hey!" A male voice shouted, our heads both turning to the side in alert, Luke looking completely uninterested, in fact a scowl was spread across his face. "You two might want to head home. A storms about to hit." I nodded, giving the man a sweet smile before thanking him.

"You got yourself a beautiful girl, man." He nodded to Luke, his arm wrapping around my shoulder, and suddenly a smile spread across his face. "I do, don't I?" His head cocked to the side, glancing down at me with a grin spread across his face.

"You two have yourselves a good night." The unknown man called, Luke easily peeling off his hoodie and placing it on me, a chuckle escaping his lips."Was he just flirting with you?" He zipped up the zipper for me, giving my sides a light squeeze before wrapping me in his arms, leading me back out the way we came.

"I could have sworn flirting was making sex tapes and then selling them." I bit my lip, and our laughs both synchronized with the mix of the heavy winds, Michael's car now in sight.

"It worked, didn't it?" Luke smiled, and I couldn't help but let a small giggle escape my cold lips, Luke's pressing to mine in such a simple gesture it left me craving more.

 It did work. Whatever Luke was doing was working, and I knew in time something would go horribly wrong. This was to cliche, stuff like this dosen't just happen.

Selling a sex tape then falling in love is isn't a fairytale, but neither was this. This, this was reality, and it was going to bite me in the ass sooner or later. 

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