Inhumanity ↠ m.c

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The world came crashing down as screams filled the air. Wails of sirens pierced the sky, those red and blue strobe lights flashing. Cries for help filled the electric air, but there were too many. Too many for the small group of people who dedicated their time to saving lives. The panic spread amongst the nations as they realised the contamination couldn't be stopped, that it couldn't be contained, that it would spread and consume everything and everyone. No one can prepare you for that, not even the countless movies and books and games, nothing can prepare you for the wave of infection that rises up and crashes down on the civilians below. It starts with one, then someone gets bitten and it's two, four, eight, doubling every time until it becomes uncontrollable, destroying humanity until only a few remain. The cities got hit first, meaning so did the masses of civilians once living and thriving in those streets. It spiralled out of control at an unpredictable rate, filling those streets with pain and anguish as they echoed the screeches of people losing their final traits of humanity. People ran away as fast as possible from the monsters that began to form. It was total chaos, an overflow of human souls that had not yet been lost, running for their lives away from the burning city. Friends were separated, lovers torn apart, even the families who would never leave their relatives behind were fleeing as if they never knew their once treasured siblings who had fallen to the infection. No one can prepare for a mutation that could potentially end the human race. Getting out alive was an achievement as the infection spread to neighbouring towns and villages, squeezing the humanity from everyone until the remains of civilisation were left in the dust. The constant updates streamed live to the entire world ended as soon as they started due to the thousands either running for their lives or falling to the already fallen. It's at this point you realise; it's the end. It's here. The end of life as we know it, the falling of billions, the final call for the human race. You want to except the end because when it's all falling apart around you, you have nothing left to lose. But that's the problem with being human, you see, the primitive need for survival is overwhelming, but the need for the love and care of others is stronger. And as you stand there covered in ash, with the weeping spirits of those fallen echoing through the air, a single thought circles in your mind;

Please don't leave me.

Inhumanity ↠ m.cWhere stories live. Discover now