Slow Beginnings

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The girls quickly led her into the dining room and Kagome found herself in complete disbelief. Here she was sitting at a table with a group of her old friends and all of them were dressed in modern clothes and completely relaxed. She wanted to scream. Nothing about this was normal. Her friends had become people that she didn't recognize the longer she sat with them. After she had answered their questions they had begun talking about stock markets and other mumbo jumbo that she didn't want to hear them talking about. She had wanted them to make her feel as though she was back in the feudal era. Instead they made her feel as though the modern world had taken her friends with it and left her behind. Kagome jumped as the dining room door slammed open. In waltzed Sesshoumaru, complete with golden eyes and all marking where they should have been. Kagome locked her eyes upon the only familiar face in the room. It figures that I'd finally find my friends and most of them have changed so much that I can hardly stand to look at them. Sesshoumaru caught her look and narrowed his eyes at her. Kagome ducked her head quickly and looked around to give Sango her embarrassed look only to realize that Sango wasn't there.

"What happened to Sango and Miroku?" The whole table fell silent at her sudden outburst. Inuyasha frowned sadly and swallowed before he answered her question slowly.

"They died Kagome. Both them and their children were taken by disease." Kagome's head spun sickly at his words. She felt like the room was closing in on her. "Are you ok, Kagome?" Then something in her snapped and she couldn't stop the word vomit that began.

"No, I'm not ok. My friends have been replaced with the rich lazy people of my time. Honestly I could overlook that because I missed you all so very much, but none of you are you anymore! Inuyasha, your ears are gone, you've somehow become a full demon, and you're being completely calm. Kikyo, you've gone from being regal and cold to acting like a teenage girl that loves everyone. Shippo, not only are you taller than I am but you look older. And Koga, you haven't called me your woman once since I've gotten here, heck you won't even speak to me. Now I find out that the two people I considered my brother and sister died a miserable death by sickness." Kagome turned and ran out of the dining room, through the house, and out onto the grounds. She ran amongst the houses until she was too tired to run anymore. She let herself lean against the nearest wall and slid down so that she was sitting on the ground and hugging her knees. Kagome sat staring off into the distance begging the earth to swallow her whole. She jumped when someone else flopped down next to her. She glanced over to see that it was none other than Sesshoumaru. He had his head leaned back against the wall with both his arms resting on his knees in that manly sort of way. He turned his head while it was still touching the wall so that his head was tilted at an unusual angle before he opened his eyes to study her with his cold golden gaze.

"You're right." Kagome wanted to smack her head off the wall. This had to be some sort of horrible nightmare. Otherwise Sesshoumaru would never say such a thing.

"How do you figure?"

"They have all become soft, spoiled creatures. It's no wonder you spent so much time in the feudal era." Kagome found herself staring at him. Sesshoumaru had never really been known to spend a lot of time talking to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time believing that you're having a conversation with me." Sesshoumaru gave her a smug look.

"To be honest I don't like it. Unfortunately times have changed. My breed is dying out. I can't remember the last time I saw a pureblooded demon that wasn't at least 400 years old. As weak as humans are, they somehow managed to outbreed us. In today's world if a demon is going to survive they have to be willing to deal with humans or be wiped out like the rest." Kagome found herself feeling sorry for him.

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