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Kagome woke up the next morning with the sun shining brightly into her face. When she tried to turn over, she found that an arm was forcing her to remain still. She turned her head to find a pair of golden eyes watching her.

Sesshoumaru smirked at her and licked her cheek playfully. "Good morning, little Miko."

Kagome snorted and pushed at Sesshoumaru's arm so he would release her. When she looked over his shoulder and saw the time she jumped up and scrambled for the door. "Sesshoumaru, we're late!"

The man in question, laughed at her panicked expression. "Kagome, it's Saturday."

"Yes, and we work on Saturdays, don't we?" She asked as she glared at him.

Sesshoumaru shook his head at her sarcastic tone, and buried his head back into the pillow.

Kagome found herself extremely jealous of Sesshoumaru as she noticed that even when he first woke up, he looked perfect. Not a single hair out of place.

"Not today, my dear. We had an emotional night. Now get back over here and continue being a good pillow,” he grumbled.

Kagome placed her hands on her hips and huffed in annoyance. She refused to spend the whole day in bed, it was unproductive. She noticed as her fingers touched the material, she was still wearing her old school uniform from the night before. I'll have to go change before we do anything. "Go get in the shower, mister high and mighty, we are not hanging around here all day. Besides, I want to ask you some questions."

Sesshoumaru groaned and rolled off the bed to glare at her. "What makes you think you have the ability to order this Sesshoumaru around?"

Kagome rolled her eyes and turned her back on him. "Fine, you do whatever you want to do, but if you think I won’t leave without you, you’re very wrong." As she walked out of the door, she heard a light growl from Sesshoumaru and something about 'stubborn woman'. When she heard the shower start and she took her chance to go down to her own apartment to change her clothes. She had barely changed, when she heard someone knocking at her door. "That didn't take him very long." She ran to her door and answered, to find a very miffed demon standing there.

"Did you completely forget the kits threats, or were you trying to get yourself taken?" He growled.

Kagome blinked at him for a moment before she remembered what he was talking about. Her expression changed to one of sadness. "I'm sorry, I still can't believe he would turn on me," she muttered softly.

Sesshoumaru sighed and pulled her against him for a hug. "Stop that. I'll have you know, I absolutely despise it when your scent is riddled with sadness. Especially over something that is not your fault."

Kagome pulled back and raised an eyebrow at him. "You can smell emotions?"

"In a way, yes, what I technically smell is the difference in hormones and bodily chemicals and only when I know a scent well enough to tell the differences."

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