The Fight

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(Lucy's POV)

*yawns* "Morning already?" I said tiredly "well might as well get going."

I got out of bed and did my morning routine and went to the guild. "good morning mina." I said

"morning Lucy" said the whole guild

(3rd person)

Lucy went up to the bar to get her milkshake like usual. "can I get a milkshake please Mira" Lucy asked.

"of course you can Lucy." Mira said cheerfully while siding over a milkshake

"thanks" Lucy said

when Lucy finished her milkshake she headed to the job request board and took a job that required a celestial wizard. The reward was 100,000 jewels and a golden key with a dragon craved on it.

(time skip to after her mission)

(Lucy's POV)

"I got finished with my mission and got the reward. When I got the key I visited Yukino to ask her how to open the gate key. When I got to sabertooth everyone was in the pool having a great time. (in this Sting is the guild master) "hey sabertooth can I talk to Yukino please" I said

(Yukino's POV)

We were all at the pool having a good time until Lucy walked over and asked to talk to me. "sure Lucy." I said Then me and Lucy walked into the guilds library and sat at a table. "so Lucy what did you want to talk about?" I asked "well you see I went on a job and the reward was this key" Lucy said while showing me the key

 "so Lucy what did you want to talk about?" I asked  "well you see I went on a job and the reward was this key" Lucy said while showing me the key

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*The key*

"and I was wondering if you knew how to open the gate?" Lucy said "Yes but I can't open it only a dragon can" I said "oh okay well thanks for telling me that"Lucy said "no problem Lucy" I said waving at her while she stands up and leave

(Lucy's POV)

I left Sabertooth a little disappointed knowing I can't open the gate. I was walking home when three big guys came up to me. "what do we have here." said the first guy "what do you want" I said "we want you to come with us"said the second guy "as if I would go anywhere with three strangers that looks like ogres" I said "WHAT WE DON'T LOOK LIKE OGRES!" The third guy said furiously "boys grab her."The first one said All of a sudden Lucy's hair was as dark as night and her clothes were different.

"The first one said All of a sudden Lucy's hair was as dark as night and her clothes were different

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*her outfit*

*her hair looked like the girls hair on the cover but black*

I slightly punched them and all of them were on the ground.

(Natsu's POV)

I was looking for Luce to see if she wants to go on a job, I stopped when I saw her surrounded by three guys. I rushed to her but as soon as I got there all three of the guys was on the ground. I looked for Luce, I didn't see her I only saw a girl with black hair wearing a purple combat outfit. I walked out of the shadow and accidentally scared her. "oops sorry about that" I said "it's okay" she said Wait I know that voice "WAIT IS THAT YOU LUCE" I yelled "oops I forgot to change back." she whispered I heard her because I have dragon hearing. "NATSU YOU BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE GOT IT!" Lucy yelled "Aye Luce" I said nervously

 "NATSU YOU BETTER NOT TELL ANYONE GOT IT!" Lucy yelled "Aye Luce" I said nervously

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*Pretend happy isn't there*


I hope you guys liked it

I don't own Fairy tail

I only own the idea

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