Mira's plan part2

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(Lucy's pov)

After we changed from swimming we headed to town.

"Hey guys were do you want to go?" Wendy asked

"Mm how about the café again." Luke said

"Sure" we all said in sync
With that we headed towards the café. Once we got there we sat a table near the window.

"Hey guys what are you going to order?" asked Juvia

"I'm getting a cheese cake with a glass of lemonade." lily said

"I'm getting the same thing as lily." said lizzy

"I'm getting a strawberry cake." I said

"Me too" said Luke

"I'm getting a blueberry milkshake and a glazed doughnut." said Wendy

"Same as crystal but vanilla milkshake." said Mira

"I'm just getting a cherry pie" said carla

"'I'm getting some apple pie and pink lemonade." said Juvia

Then the waitress came over and I told her our orders. In 4-5 minutes our food came and we started to eat.
Then we went shopping for a while.
Once it started to get dark I teleported us back to the guild.

"Today was fun." said carla

"Yea but for now lets go to bed" I said

"Hey Lucy-sama can we sleep in the guild tonight?" Wendy asked

"Sure I'm to tire to teleport anyway" I. Said tiredly

"Alright, night everyone." said carla

"Night" everyone said in sync but very tiredly

With that everyone went to sleep.

~the next day~

(Mira's pov)

'Yay today's the day, its Lily's b-day but its also the day I put my plan into action' I said to myself

I put my hair into a long pony tail to where you can see my hot pink highlights. I then took off my pj's and put on a hot pink tank top that says flawless in black so it pops. I then put on some light blue jean shorts. I tied my jean jacket around my waist. I put on my black converse and headed downstairs.

I went behind the bar and started to clean until everyone woke up.

(Lucy's pov)

I woke feeling energetic so put my hair up in a long pony tail. I looked in the mirror and saw my red highlights.
I took off my Pj's and put on a red shirt with holes in the sleeves so that you can see my shoulders. On the shirt it says strong but kind. I put on some jean shorts. I put my black converse and headed downstairs. I saw Mira really happy so I went down and said good morning. I order the usual and waited for every one to wake up.

(Luke's pov)

I woke and stretched my arms and looked at the clock. It read 7:46. I got out of bed and looked at my bed head I chuckled lightly and comed my hair. I put on a light blue sleeveless shirt. It had our insignia on the back in white.
I then put on some jeans and my white converse and headed downstairs. I saw Mira and Lucy talking about something.

I went to the two girls to see what they were talking about.

"Hey guys what are you talking about?" I asked

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