Chapter whatever # I forgot

839 12 31

Lucy's pov

"Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the second day of The Grand Magic games!" Chapati yelled. "Today's special guest is.. PRINCESS HISUI!!"

Everyone clapped and cheered as Hisui smiled and waved to everyone.

"Okay now let's welcome back our guilds!" Hisui yelled

"Coming in at first we have..... Fallen Angels!!" Chapati yelled

We could hear the roars of the crowd as we walked out waving and smirking.

"And surprisingly coming in at second is... Sabertooth!!"

And with the crowd cheering just as loud as before out came Sabertooth. After Sting became guild master their guild seemed more positive and friendly but just as powerful.

"We actually have a 5 way tie for third place but it give up for ACAG!" Chapati exclaimed

Roars erupted and the team came out smiling. ACAG was a newer guild and was still quite mysterious but they still had quite a big fan base.

"Up next we have Lamia Scale." Hisui said smiling.

Sorry I'm being lazy because I really want to get this chapter out, So here are their places and the order they came out in.

1st: Fallen Angels
2nd: Sabortooth
3rd: ACAG
Lamia Scale
Mermaid Heel
Quatro Cerberus
Blue Pegasus
Last: Raven Tail
Fairy Tail

"Alright everyone now that all the guilds are back let's get on with the games!" Chapati yelled "Take it away Mato."

"Okay today's game is somewhat like a scavenger hunt. Every contestant will be given a list of things to find. You will be allowed to attack each other, BUT there's a catch you aren't allowed to use magic. Your points will be based on your time and place you come in. So gooood luck everybody!" Mato yelled walking off the field.

"Okay everyone please send one person from your team into the arena." Hisui said sweetly making some men in the crowd have a nose bleed.


"Okay so we can't use magic, so who's the fastest and is also good at hand to hand combat?" Ian asked

"I think either nee-san or Mira should go." Melody replied

"I think Mira should go since I went last time." I said "Mira you up for it?"

"Heck yeah I could use a few warm ups" Mira replied with a smirk.

We all nodded our heads in agreement and sent Mira out onto the arena.

"Okay everyone let's see who the guilds have picked to play for their teams." Hisui said

"We have Yukino Agria from Sabertooth!!"

"Next we have Milliana from Mermaid Heel!"

"Sherria Blendy from Lamia Scale!"

"Ivy from Fallen Angels!"

"Natsu Dragoneel from Fairy Tail!"
Looks like autocorrect doesn't like Natsu's name it changed it to natural Dragon del😂😂

"Ren Akatsuki from Blue Pegasus!"

"Bacchus Grow from Quatro pup- Cerberus!"

"Nullpudding from Raven Tail!"

"And last but not least we have Rin Okumura from ACAG!"

"Now that everyone has picked their player we'll pass out the list that you'll need." Hisui said
(I don't know if that sentence made sense)

Mato walked back into the arena and handed each person a different colored piece of paper.

(3rd person)

Mira looked down at the blue piece of paper in her hand and read the items.

Ignore my silly, cringe, self made animal names.


-5 pointed star
-the tooth of a wolf tiger
-shimmering petals of a Golden Bloom
-An egg of a wild Moose Duck

"I keep you clean and the more you use me the smaller I get, What am I?"

"if you drop me I'm sure to crack, if you give me a smile I'll give one back, What am I?"


"On your marks, get set, GO!!" Mato yelled as he pressed a button and the arena changed. On the sound of the buzzer everyone had dashed away to find their items.

By the way the arena can change thanks to the help of magic. So right now the inside of the arena looks like an abandoned city.

Mira was running to the forest where most of her items could be found. Mira had already figured out the last riddle, and she always had a mirror with her so she already has one item.


By now it was already 15 minutes into the game and everyone was getting closer to finishing. Mira only had to find one more item, the petals of a Golden Bloom. The petals of a Golden Bloom were often used as a magical item seeing as it has healing properties.

Mira had spotted the flower at the top of a nearby hill and started climbing. As she was about to grab the stem someone else had already picked it. Mira looked up and frowned, She was not in the mood to deal with him.

"Oi I was here first and grabbed it so it's mine!" Natsu declared noticing Mira's glare.

"Weeeell I don't see your name on it and we arre aloud to attack other opponents sooo-" Mira said quickly punching Natsu in the face and taking the flower. "Thanks for the flower, I'll be on my way now." Mira opened a portal and teleported back to the arena with the Golden Bloom in hand.

"Ugh DAMN IT!" Natsu yelled in frustration.


"Alllrigght everybody times up!" Mato yelled stopping the giant clock.

I'm lazy so here are the places and points(~‾∇‾)~

1st, 10 pts: ACAG

2nd, 8pts: Fallen Angels

3rd, 6pts: Sabertooth

4th, 5pts: Lamia Scale

5th, 4pts: Mermaid Heel

6th, 2pts: Blue pegasus

7th, 1pt: Raven Tail

8th, 0pts: Quatro Cerberus

9th, DNF: Fairy Tail


As Mira was walking back she caught a glare from Natsu and smirked. She turned her head and mouthed, "Take that biatch."
Natsu's expression was shocked at first but the changed to anger and disgust. This had made Mira laugh. Once she got back to her team she was engulfed with praise and high fives.


Hey sorry for not posting like always and also sorry for the short chapter.

I don't own anything but the story plot.

P.s if there's anyone you want to see in ACAG (Author Chan's Anime Group) just comment it and if I know them I might add them in. 🙂

Goodbye for now loyal and patient readers. 👋

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