My wish upon a stupid star

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I open my mouth to talk, but it won’t open. Alexander sets me down on my desk and takes out a mirror. I’m a doll?!

I make my glass eyes look at myself in the mirror, from top to bottom. There are small lines for each joint of my body. My skin looks like glass, great so I’m breakable. Alexander lifts my face up. “The perfect doll,” Looks into my eyes, leaning in closer. “You can’t speak or move and your beauty will stay forever.” Alexander places his lips on my glass hand and jumps out of the window.

The door slams open revealing Saven, Sebastian and Ciel. Saven runs up to me and touches my cheek. “No, we’re too late.”

“Is there a cure?” Ciel asks. Sebastian shakes his head.

I wanted to cry, I don’t want to be a doll forever. Saven places my hand on a piece of paper. There’s no hope for me to move my hand, I blink. That’s all I can do I think so far. Saven places my hand on his cheek. “Why, you…”

Ciel walks over to the opened window and walks in front of me. “Okay, we know you can blink, so blink once as yes and twice for no. Do you know who did this to you?”

I blink.

“Let’s start with the one we suspected.” Saven taps his chin in thought. Please tell me you know who it was that did this to me. “It was Alexander, isn’t it?”

I blink.

Saven runs out of the room, leaving me alone with Ciel and Sebastian. Ciel pokes my eye. I want to slap him! “Weird, how can you move your eyes but not anything else?”

I roll my eyes annoyed with his question. Sebastian on the other hand, was pleased that I couldn’t move. He lifts my chin up and stares at me in his delusion eyes. “What a great way to live forever with beauty.”

Screw this demon! I try to lift my hand, but no luck.

Sebastian leans in close to my lips.

I can’t believe he’s doing this in front of his master! Speaking of which, where is Ciel?

Ciel picks a book from my book shelf and starts reading. He’s not even noticing?!

I look outside trying to avoid Sebastian’s lustful stare. The sky is dark and stars sparkle in the sky. A shooting star catches my eye, I laugh mentally. What can a shooting star help?

I close my eyes. It wouldn’t her to try. Please give me the ability to talk…

Sebastian turns my face towards his. “A lady should keep eye contact to person talking to them.”

I sigh. Wait…I SIGHED?! Joy filled my every being. I open my mouth. “Oh do shut up.”

Ciel drops the book that he was reading and looks at me in shock. “You can talk?!”

I laugh. “I guess wishing on a shooting star does work in these types of situations.”

The door bangs open and Saven brings in Alexander. “I found him!”

He throws Alexander down in front of me. He smirks up at me with his bloody mouth. “Hello, Lyra nice to see you again.”

I glare at him.

“Too bad you can’t talk.” Alexander smirks. “It would be awful not to listen to that pretty voice of yours.”

“You’re wrong.” I said. Saven runs over to me and hugs me. “Mistress, you can talk!”

“HOW?!” Alexander growls and stands up holding an antidote. “You need this to talk and move like a normal person.”

“Saven.” I ordered.

He nods and runs over to Alexander, but he drops the antidote before he could get it. Sebastian dives and grabs hold of the antidote before it could touch the floor.

“Good job, both of you.” Ciel walks over to me and sits on my desk next to me. “Now arrest him for attempt murder on Cain Balakov.”

Saven looks at me, waiting for my next order. “Do as Ciel say.”

He nods and walks out of the room with Alexander. Sebastian hands Ciel the antidote. He looks at the thin bottle of blue liquid. “How can this stupid liquid make Lyra human?”

“It’s full of mysteries.” I smiled over at him. “Which reminds me, did you solve the Jack the Ripper case?”

Ciel looks down sadly. “Yes, it was my Aunt who did it.”

“I-I’m so sorry…” I whispered and a tear drops on Ciel’s hand. “Please don’t cry.”

He smirks and takes out a handkerchief to wipe my eyes. “I’m not, but you are.”

“I don’t understand.” My voice feels a little crackly.

Ciel takes the antidote and opens it. He tips it on my mouth. “Drink and you will know.”

I gulp down the antidote. Nothing happened.

I look at my skin to see it didn’t look like glass, but normal skin and there are no lines on my joints. I’m human again.

I reach up to my face. Tears were flowing down my face. Ciel wasn’t the one crying.

                                                I was, but why?

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