Line | 19:12
Anti ghibah ghibah kleb (17)
Baekhyun invited dokyungsoo, kimkai, ohsehun, kimsuho, daissy, pchanyeol, xiumin, zitao, chen, laycing, kriswu, syiennah, soniya, xiluhan, krystall, yurisa to the group
Dokyungsoo joined the group
Kimkai joined the groupBaekhyun: aseggggg auto acc
Ohsehun joined the group
Pchanyeol joined the group
Kimsuho joined the groupBaekhyun: ternyata aing gak diblok sama bang holkay
Baekhyun: mampus line pada locetLaycing joined the group
Chen joined the group
Xiumin joined the groupBaekhyun: hueeeeh gua bakal kena amuk ini mah
Baekhyun left the group
Syiennah joined the group
Krystall joined the group
Kriswu joined the group
Xiluhan joined the groupDokyungsoo: CABEEEEEE! LINE GUA NGELAGGGG!
Soniya joined the group
Zitao joined the group
Yurisa joined the group
Daissy joined the groupKimkai: bangsul si sayur, line gua locet
Krystall: syalannddddd notip ngadat
Kimsuho: tolong jangan asal inv ke gc, line gua ngambek
Pchanyeol: syit! Gua pikir cuma line gua yg error
Laycing: test!
Laycing: halllo masuk ga ya?Syiennah: asw loadchat
Kriswu: sungguh apa yang terjadi di dunia ini
Ohsehun: astaghfirullah, kuota gua abis kali ya
Daissy: bekyun minta diapain nih
Dokyungsoo invited baekhyun to the group
Baekhyun joined the groupDokyungsoo: mamam noh loadchat
Baekhyun: testtt!
Baekhyun: allahu notif gak masuk
Baekhyun: aihh gak asik pada bls dendam
Baekhyun: masuk gak sihDokyungsoo removed baekhyun from the group
Pchanyeol: asw ngakak
Line w/ Chanyeol
Fanfiction[RANDOM PRIVATE!!] Gue suka, gue cinta. Tapi gue sadar cuyyyyyy. Fansnya kalo diitung pake jari aja patah semua dah. Termasuk gue, seonggok cewek yang tak terlihat oleh doi yang dikerubungi fans bak beras sekarung. Suee [UU no.17 thn 2010 pasal 1 ay...