This Is What You Call: "Must Read" - Eleven

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This Is What You Call: "Must Read" 

June 26, 2012

I have not been reading much besides the stories I've already mentioned. I read a lot of romance, don't  I? Any who, I'm stuck. I don't have much stories to give because it's very hard for me to know what you guys want to read or would like to read. So please do give me some suggestions with a message or a giant list in our email. It would help out completely! Now here's another list that you guys must read:

Addicted to Meth written by Englishtoffee17

--- A tragic accident and rumors leaves Haley Geller trying to find the greener side of life. She finds it in the most unexpected of places - a loner and bully named Meth. But why is everyone so convinced that Meth is a bad guy? A story of love, hope, and trust...

~ Here is a bad pun. I am so addicted to Meth and I can not get enough. Besides the fact that it needs editing, I would like to proudly say, I am in love. Meth and Hale's relationship is the most confusing, funny, and wonderful relationship that I really would like to have. I look forward to her updating because seriously, who doesn't like bad boys. Meth, be mine?

Big Fat Liar written by xxWhoAteMyCookiexx

"That awkward moment when the man you love doesn't know you're a woman."

--- Callie Picket, the-fat-girl-next-door has a big fat secret. Well, a secret she's been successfully hiding from her oh so sexy apartment neighbor Chris Walker. In their first meeting, he mistakes her for a fat guy and she does nothing to correct him. Very overweight 22-year-old Callie has a mega crush on her hunkie new apartment next door neighbor Chris, age 24. The thing is, since Callie is so overweight, Chris mistakes her for a guy but she doesn't tell him the truth because they've become buddies and she doesn't want to lose that bond with him. Then Chris makes her start going to the gym to lose weight and as the pounds comes off, Chris begins to see these changes... like Callie starts to look more girly, and since he's a total playboy and lady lover, he starts getting attracted to her while thinking that she's still a "he". Basically, he thinks he's going gay. Will Callie ever tell him the truth as her lie begins to take its toll on both of them as she and very confused Chris becomes closer? Or will he be the first to finally see her for what she truly is? A Big Fat Liar

~ I got very much confused while typing the description, aha. This story is pack full of funny jokes, love, and relationships that will have you in love. This is a brilliant story with a solid story plot. But please be warn, some fans took this story to offense when the author does not mean to offend the readers. So please don't go commenting saying she is rude, she knows what she is doing, and she is not offending anyone. 


--- Emile James has been known as Toxic for the last four years she's worked as the King's assassin -- her methods are strange, sexual, and completely 100% effective. After a sweaty night with her victim, they're dead. How? Her skin releases a fatal poison once sexual hormones have been released. She's screwing her way up the enemy ranks, preparing herself for the King of the neighboring kingdom. What happens when her night of sexual pleasure doesn't end in death? Has the King defied science? Has he been delving into witchcraft? Or has he got a little Poison Paradise tucked under his belt too. VERY SEXUAL. R RATED.

**You've been warned.**

~ Yes, I did find this story. And yes, I was kind of scared for my life. Ahaha, but other than that, it is pretty good. Very well written and I wish she would update. It's only 3 parts! No! Wish me luck in waiting along with you guys.

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