5sos imagines, smut, and preferences

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Someone requested I post these on here instead of insta so here.

First up, lukeyyyy.

I sat on the couch, tapping my foot as the clock read 2:18 a.m. Just sitting here, hearing the clock tick and the heel of my foot hitting the floor made me even more anxious and mad as seconds passed. Oh Luke was getting an earful when he gets here.
IF he gets here. Just thinking of the what if's made me upset all over again. I was about to give up and go to bed, and let him explain himself in the morning. That is, if he is even back before the crack of dawn. I turned off the t.v, throwing the remote on the couch as I walked upstairs.
Just as I curled up in bed, I heard the door downstairs shut. 2:37, how lovely. I turned my back to the door as it opened, I could smell the alcohol on him as the door shut behind him. "Shit." He cursed, as something banged against the wall.
I dug my fingers harder into my pillow as I heard his belt hit the floor along with his shirt. "Don't even think about it." I said, sitting up as I saw him getting into bed. "I thought you were asleep." I turned on the lamp, and looked at him.
His hair was a mess, his eyes were droopy and by how his voice sounded, he was 100% intoxicated. "Where have you been?" I asked, standing up and walking towards him on the other side of the bed. He sighed heavily.
"The boys took me to a club, and we stayed late." He shrugged, picking up the comforter again. "And you didn't even care that your girlfriend, that you haven't spent ANY time with since you got back from London was here waiting up for you!?" I screamed, picking up a pillow.
"Can we talk about this in the morning?" He sat down, beginning to lay down in bed when I grabbed his arm. "You are not sleeping in this bed tonight as far as i'm concerned." I said, pulling on him as he didn't budge. Oh right, he's stronger than me.
"Y/N, stop." He growled, snatching his arm from my grip as I rolled my eyes. "Luke, either get the fuck out of here or i'm leaving." I said, as he sat back up. "Where are you going to go?" He asked, looking at me like I was some sort of stupid.
"Somewhere other than here. Get OUT!" I screamed, pulling on him again as tears formed in my eyes. Not tears of sadness, tears of complete and utter disgust and anger. "Y/N.." He said, as if he was warning me.
I pulled hard again, my nails digging into his flesh as his teeth gritted. His hand flew up, colliding with the side of my face as I staggered back in pain. I held my hands to my jaw, my face throbbing and my face wet from fresh tears falling just now.
"Oh shit." He jumped out of bed, running to me. I pushed him away, grabbing a blanket and a pillow, pushing it into his arms. "GET OUT GOD DAMMIT!" I pushed him, sending him out the door. "Baby, pl-" I slammed the door in his face, locking it.
I turned off the light, as he knocked on the door. I laid down, tears soaking my pillow as I held my throbbing cheek. "Y/N?" He called, following by a few apologies and my full name following. The knocking and pleading soon stopped as I fell asleep.
- Luke POV -
I woke up, my neck hurting as I sat up on the lumpy couch. Remind Y/N we need to go couch shopping. Oh shit, Y/N! I jumped up, almost tripping over my feet as I ran up to our bedroom. "Y/N?" I pulled on the door, remembering it was locked.
"Shit shit shit." I cursed, pulling at my hair as I paced. I can't believe I did that. Sometimes she get's on my fucking nerves, but I didn't mean to hit her. I ran downstairs, remembering my brother teaching me a trick about opening locked doors.
I found her credit card, running back upstairs and sliding it on the lock through the door. I smiled as it opened, me rushing inside. I looked for her, to find the tip of her head peaking from the mountain of covers she buried herself in.
I pulled them back, to rest on her hips. Her hand was on her face and her eyes were baggy underneath. I gulped and grabbed her hand, gently moving it from her face. I almost screamed when I saw the bruise that was on her jaw.
"I'm so dead." I whispered, caressing her bruised jaw as she squirmed. She blinked open her eyes, and then mustered away from me, cowering away. "Get away from me." She whimpered, scooting to the other side of the bed.
"Y?N I," I lifted my hand and she blinked again, covering her face with her hands. Tears began to well in my eyes, seeing how she backed away from me. "Don't be scared please." I whimpered, crawling onto the bed as she backed to the edge.
"Please stop." She whispered, still covering her face as I heard muffled cries coming from her mouth. I wiped a tear that fell from my eyes as I grabbed her ankles, her gasping as I shook my head. "Please come here." I pleaded.
She shook her head, trying to kick me away from her. "Don't hurt me." She whimpered, as more tears fell from my eye. This is what I feared the most, my own girlfriend afraid of me. I gave up, letting her ankles go as she cowered down again.
I sat on the edge of the bed, beginning to cry. I fucked up so bad, she's too scared to even be around me. Why me? Why am I so stupid? Just as my hands grew wet, I felt the bed moving. Just as I expected the worst, I felt her small hands on my back.
Just feeling her made me cry harder. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I cried, as I felt her wrap her arms around my neck, "Ssh." She said, rubbing my chest as I felt her sniffling against me. "I'm such a fuck up." I said, as she sighed.
"No your not." Her voice was quiet, too quiet for my liking. I lifted my head from my hands, turning to see her already looking at me. "Please don't be scared of me." I whimpered, as she got off the bed, kneeling in front of me.
"Just hug me." She said, as I didn't hesitate. I took her head into my strong arms, my cheek resting on the top of her head. I began crying again as she was too. I've never cried this much, not this much in my entire life.
I moved my arms, taking her face into my hands as she sucked in a small breath. We stared into each other's eyes for a while, before I sniffled. "Forgive me, please." I whispered, as her grip on my thighs tightened.
She simply nodded, as I pressed my lips onto hers. Goosebumps arose on my skin as she stood, her face now towering over mine as we still kissed. "Let me show you how sorry I am." I said, caressing her back as her t-shirt rested on her back, exposing her panties.
I placed one hand on her arm, the other on her back as I pulled her on top of me. I pulled her t-shirt up, as I ran my finger tips up and down her back. Her body trembled as she lifted her lips from mine, giving me access to pull her shirt off, exposing her bare chest.
I flipped us over, so I now was on top. I kissed down her chin, travelling down the valley of her breasts. She moaned as I kissed around her stomach, my arms under her legs as her calves rested on my shoulders.
I pulled off her panties, before returning to our previous position. "Your so gorgeous, baby." I panted, as I kissed around her center, groaning to myself as I caught of whiff of her gorgeous scent. "Please Luke, please." She moaned.
I smiled, planting a kiss to her center as she let out a quiet moan. I took my index and middle finger, parting her folds as I laid my tongue flat against her opening. "Yes." She whimpered, biting her lip as she looked down at me.
I licked a big stripe from bottom to top, placing another kiss to her swollen clit. I took my two fingers, tapping them on her mouth as she desperately opened them. I watched with parted lips as she licked all around my fingers.
I pulled them out, placing them at her opening. I pushed them in, her moans turning more throaty as I then put my mouth back on her clit, sucking it furiously. "Christ Lukey." She moaned, her hand knotting in my already messy hair.
After almost going knuckle deep in her, her toes curled against my back and by how rapidly she kept breathing, I knew she was close. "Oh!" She cried out, as I felt her release onto my tongue. I cleaned her up, wiping my chin as I kissed back up her body.
I placed a kiss to her lips as I sat back up, removing my boxers as I propped up on my elbows, her arms resting above her head. "I love you so much." I said, pushing into her as her legs clenched tighter around my torso.
"I love you too." She moaned as I slowly rolled my hips into her. I dropped my head into her shoulder, her hands moving to rest on the back of my neck. "You feel so good wrapped around me." I panted, as she moaned, pulling at my hair.
"Faster." She moaned, as I dug my hands into the bed sheets beside her. I picked up my speed as she spread her legs farther, clenching around me. "Fuck..do that again." She clenched again, which made my release come quicker.
"I'm gonna cum." She whispered, and I nodded, my thrusts getting sloppy as the headboard began hitting the wall. I couldn't wait on her, releasing as I dropped my head back, my eyes clenching shit tight as she clenched a few more times.
As my head was still tilted backwards, she brought my head down, beginning to pepper kisses along my outstretched neck. I felt her release and I kissed her gently, pulling out. I looked at the clock, 10:18 a.m.
Her hair fell over her face, as she laid on my chest. I pulled the blankets over us, the room getting chilly again. I kissed her head, my fingertips rubbing up and down her back. "I love you." She said, running her hands up and down my sides.
"I love you more."

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