See With Color

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I never understood what people meant when they said they could see in color again when the met the love of their life. I couldn't grasp what they meant. How can someone suddenly start seeing differently just because of one person? What is their significant other doing to them, or for them, that makes them say that? I've never felt like that ever, that I could see color because of who I was with. I was just with them, going day by day. Probably waiting for something exciting to happen but nothing really ever did.

That is, until I met Him. When I met him I slowly understood what it meant to see in color.

First you notice how brown his eyes are and how pretty they are in the sunlight. How his dark curly hair is just always sitting all cute on his head. How is smile with his perfect white teeth brighten your day. How his tan skin radiates around you.

Then you notice you wake up feeling like a new person pretty much every day. Or how it's easier to smile even if there's nothing funny going on. How you can feel happy about going through another day. Because you don't realize you're anticipating seeing him.

Then you get closer with him and his laugh lights your brain up. His voice makes you twitch, wanting to hold his hand. The way he looks at you makes your heart feel like it's dancing. The sweet things he says to every once in a while makes you want to scream that happy high-pitched scream.

Even closer. He holds your hand for the first time and you feel his warmth soak into your body making you feel toastier than the sun. He kisses you and you feel the bright blue and red fireworks and sparks they put upon your skin. His hugs make you feel calm, like the shade of blue the ocean on a beach is in the middle of the day.

Closest ever yet. His little neck bites make your body shiver but yet so warm at the same time. The way he kisses your hand makes your breath fly away like it's trying to escape into the sunset you're both driving into. He looks at you different now, and you feel like you could melt into a puddle of gold if he looks at you any longer with those dreamy brown eyes.

And then you feel totally in love. This feeling is like the brightest starry night you've ever seen. Full moon and everything. You see the good in everything, even on your lowest days. The sun shines brighter, flowers are more vibrant, life feels more alive. He tells you he loves you and you feel like nothing can ever stop or hurt you again, like you're radiating the rainbow.

And you realize.

This is what it's like to see in color.

What it's like to never see a monochromatic day ever again. No black and white moments that you forget about. No gray days that make you dread waking up the next morning. No blearing white moments that make you want to scream and hide away.

All colors. All vibrant reds and yellows. All calming blues and golds. Pinks and purples. Love. Love is what you're seeing. Love and happiness.

And once you lose something so grand, so irreplacable.

Your world stops, slows down, ceases exsistance almost. And all the color drains away. And you're left with the grayscale of a life lived alone.

Hold on tight to your Color, to your Life. Hold on to them and watch the colors shape and form with them.

See with Color

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