•Chapter 1•

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(A/N: Hello my readers, and welcome to the first chapter of "Rebelling Against Destiny"! Hope y'all like it!)

[Rina's POV]

My life had been almost the same through out the first few years of my existence. It's as if all I ever do was sleep, eat and repeat. I was getting seriously tired of this boring lifestyle and I couldn't wait till I am old enough to leave the orphanage and start a new life doing whatever I want. But unfortunately, that could only happen when I'm eighteen years old, which is about five more years from now.

You see, I was told that my parents had passed away when I was really young and that my relatives, whoever they were, did not want to adopt me as they thought that I would bring them some kind of misfortune, whatever that meant. And ever since my relatives rejected me, I've been living in this orphanage, which is for girls like myself, unwanted and abandoned, where we had no freedom and could never do anything we want unless the staff permits us to, which they hardly ever did.

The people in the orphanage, including the other orphans, weren't really what I would call friendly. They hardly even talk to one another. The only times when voices were heard were when the staff were telling us off when we disobey their rules and instructions or when some of the girls argue with each other.

I am one of these girls who quarell with the others. I couldn't call myself that kind of person who get along well with certain people and would usually get into trouble and of course get punished for it.

Recently, I got into a fight with my roommate and had to switch rooms with someone and that was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was arranged to have Zoey as my roommate. She was the nicest person I have ever met and we actually had a lot in common. Since the first time we talked to each other, she became my first and best friend.

I've always thought that I would be living in this place until I was 18 until one night, when the other girls and I were reading books in the great hall for our weekly 'reading night', which could actually be kinda fun if the books that the staff made us read were more interesting.

So it was halfway through the 'reading night' session. I put down my boring book and laid my head down to rest my eyes for a while, only to be slapped on my noggin by one of the caretakers.

"Continue reading! This is for your own good and knowledge..." She may or may not have rattled off even more. I didn't even bother listening to what she said next.

Suddenly, the hall darkened, like the whole room was being filled up by some kind of dark mist coming into the hall from under the door of the hall. And all the lights flickered and went out and we were just sitting in the darkness. I could barely even see my fingers right in front of my face.

Then, we heard soft footsteps of someone coming into the hall from outside. It couldn't be anyone from the orphanage as everyone, even the staff members, were gathered in the hall for reading night.

The door of the hall creaked open, letting a little bit of light into the hall and in came what looked like a person.  It was really dark and I couldn't really tell if they were a male or a female. Also, the figure was wearing some kind of robe with a hood which covered their face.

Entering the room, the figure closed the door shut and we were left in the darkness again. After a few seconds, I heard a "click" which sounded like the door being locked. The figure must've locked the door to prevent anyone from coming in or going out of the hall. But why? What were they going to do?


A raspy, ancient, female voice called out.

I could somehow feel everyone around me starting to stare at me with their eyes wide open. Some even stepped away from me, as if I were carrying a contagious disease. Like I was a threat or something.

I, for whatever reason, didn't feel scared. Sure, some random stranger had just called me out in the middle of an orphanage. It was like some kind of thriller movie. I wasn't afraid, but I did have questions: Who was this stalker? And how did she know my name and my whereabouts? And why had the air around me seemed to drop about ten degrees?

Then I realised the small pressure on my right shoulder.

The same, cold voice spoke, this time right behind my chair.

"I have received an order to do something very important. However, I may need some assistance and I think that Rina would be perfect at playing that special role of my assistant. Therefore, I am here to take her away," Well, I, for one, thought that her explanation may still need some elaboration.

Something about the figure felt odd. It felt like there was a weird and dark aura around her, like the mist that had made the room dark. But nobody else seemed to have noticed it. Weird...

At this point, the staff should be looking at each other and having a silent discussion among themselves and discussing about what to do with me.

Just as I thought, after a while, the orphanage director stepped forward reluctantly and mumbled, "I...I am te-terribly sorry but we c-can't let you take her."

"Well that's just too sad...for you. I am here for Rina and is willing to do anything to be able to walk out of this awful world with her right behind me, by tonight. I would even kill every single human in this area if I have to. I promise that I will leave in peace and never return here if you let me have her. Well, Ragnarok is coming anyways, and everyone in all the nine worlds be gone when it comes."

The director stepped up again and, even more terrified this time, asked, "Wh-what are you t-talking about? N-nine worlds? Ragnarok?"

"Yes, Ragnarok." The figure said in a gleeful and excited tone, "I have been waiting for that glorious day to arrive since I was born, which was like thousands of years ago, for your information. Just the thought of people dying and joining me in the afterlife excites me!" the figure squealed.

"Pl-please, have mercy on us. A-and as much as we want you to cannot let you le-leave, we c-can't let you go with Miss Brzenska without her relatives' permissions and..."

Before she could finish talking, some of the lights in the hall lit up again all of a sudden and right beside me stood the figure. She held her hands up and lifted her hood. The moment she revealed her face, everyone gasped in horror and disgust.

"If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself." ~Percy Jackson in Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief

{Rebelling Against Destiny} -A Magnus Chase FanficWhere stories live. Discover now