(Chapter 8) The New Recruit

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The picture up top is another one I drew and again.... not my best work, enjoy the chapter you guys 😊.

Kenya's P.O.V
Hello, my name is Kenya Gold. I'm also known as Sunlight Autumn, but most people call me Kenya. My father and I just arrived in Magnolia to join Fairy Tail. My teacher, Master Yashiro , suggested that I'd join and knowing me, I never question him.
And so, there we were, standing outside the Magnolia Train Station.
"Boy that was a longest train ride yet" I sighed, my father put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a gentle smile.
"Now then, lets get you to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall" my Father said.
"You'll be joining too, right papa?"
"Of course darling" my father smiled. I laughed and gave him a hug.
As we were looking around to find the Guild, and of course me being the klutz that I am and not watching where I'm going, I accidentally bump into someone.
Both: "uph"
I quickly turn around to see a a young woman with blonde hair.
"Oh! I'm so sorry miss, are you okay?"
"haha yea, I'm okay" she said
I sigh in relief.
"My name is Sunlight but people call me Kenya"
The girl smiled
"I'm Lucy, it's nice to meet you"
"It's nice to meet you too Lucy"
She gave me another smile and said "well.... I better get going.... I don't want to miss my train"
As she turned and heading for the train station, I quickly went after her.
"Oh! Hey Lucy?"
"Do you know where the Fairy Tail Guild Hall is? Me and my father are planning on joining today"
Her eyes kinda widen then gave me a soft smile
"of course...... its the big building on the other side of town, you can't miss it"
"Thank you so much for your help"
"No problem"
"Bye, have a nice day" I turned around and headed to where I father was standing. I told him where the guild Hall was and so we started to head over there as quickly as we can.

And so there we were, standing outside the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. I looked up to my father and smiled. I turned my head towards the Guild and saw a man with raven black running out of the Guild. As he ran past us, I saw the expression on his face of sadness and anger and tears flowing from his eyes. As my father and I watched him disappear through the crowded street. I look at my father once more and he was as confused as I was.
Trying to ignore the feeling that something was wrong, we both head inside. As we stepped inside, there on a big screen, was a young girl singing.
"That's Lucy....." I whispered to myself.
But why would she leave? I thought to myself,
I don't get it. Something doesn't seem right.
As I look around the Guild, I saw that everyone was in tears. As I continue to look around, in the far corner of the Guild, I saw a white haired girl staring straight at me with an evil look on her face.
What's with her? Hmm..... I better keep my guard up and a close eye on her. Something doesn't sit well with me about her at all, she makes my skin crawl.

Putting all that aside, I turn towards my father. He put both hands on my shoulders and said
"Kenya darling, do you think we should come back another day?"
I thought about it for a moment.
"Well..... today may not be a good day for everyone, but..... we have to join today!" I said with determination. I slightly turned around and secretly pointed to the girl.
"You see that girl over there? The one with the short white hair?"
"Yes, what about her?"
"I have a bad feeling about her, she was giving me a very weird look earlier"
My father sighed
"That's why we have to join today! Something just doesn't seem right here...... and I'm gonna find out what!"
My father sighed once more, then gave me nod.

We headed towards the bar, I saw another young woman wearing a dark pink dress and with white hair. I gently tapped her on the shoulder, she slowly turned around and quickly whipped the tears from her eyes. She looked at us and gave a gentle smile
"Why hello there, how can I help you?"
"Hello, my name is Sunlight Autumn but some people call me Kenya Gold and this is my father, Rumple Gold, we're here to join the guild"
She looked us with a little surprise in her eyes.
"Of course, my name is Mirajane, please wait right here while I go get the Master"
She gave us another smile and walked away, it was very obvious that she was putting on an act. I looked around the Guild once more only to see the others still crying, but some were staring at me with angry eyes, I can't really blame them.
My father nudged me on the side, I turned around to see the Master standing in front of us, I can tell he's been crying too
"Welcome, I am Makarov, I'm the Master of Fairy Tail, please follow me to my office"
My father and I both nodded and followed the Master to his office along with Miss Mirajane.
Once we stepped inside his office, the Master sat down in his desk with Mira standing by side him and my father and I standing in front of the desk.
"Now then, before I allow you both to join, I'm gonna ask you both a few questions"
My Father and I both looked each other then returned out gaze back towards the Master, then nodded in agreement.
"Okay first question, what are your names?"
"I'm Rumple Gold"
"And my name is Kenya Gold, My real name is Sunlight Autumn, but it had to be changed"
"And why's that?"
"It's kind of a long story....."
"Fair enough child. Now second question, what kind of magic do you both use?"
"Well.... I am known as the dark one and my daughter is Dragonborn..... she is also the Goddess of Flames"
Both the Master and Mira's jaw dropped and had the look of surprise in there eyes. My father and I both looked at each other once more and we both wondered if we said something we shouldn't have.
"Congratulations, you are now apart of Fairy Tail, I'll see you both on the stage, I'll introduce you both to the rest of the Guild"

Master Makarov walked out of his office and Mira walked up to me and my father with a stamp.
"Now then, where would you like your emblem?"
My father got his on his forearm, the colour was black.
"And where do you want yours?"
I thought about it for a minute, then I remembered on the lacrima Lucy had hers on her right hand and the colour was pink. I now know where I want mine.
"I would like mine on my left hand please"
Mira looked down at the floor, I can tell that she wasn't to happy about my decision.
"Okay...... and the colour?"
"Umm..... Lucys hair colour?"
I heard Mira gasped in surprise, then she looked up at me, with tears in her eyes.
"Thank you" she said
I was kinda confused why she said that, but deep down in my heart, I knew why.

Normal P.O.V

After Mira put on Kenya and Rumple's Emblems, they started to head down the Guilds Stage.
And so there they were, standing side by side on stage in front of the Guild.
"Listen up everyone!! I have an announcement to make!"
Everybody turned to look at the Master.
"We have two new members of Fairy Tail, please make them feel welcome"
The Guild was filled was silence,
Everyone so quiet, I can't really blame them. Kenya thought to herself

The silence broke with a curtain pink haired mage trying to attack Kenya.
Natsu: Fire Dragon Roar!!!!
Makarov: Natsu!!
Kenya pushes her father out of the way and caught Natsu's attack with her bare hands and deflected it.
Natsu gasped in surprise along with everyone else in the Guild. Kenya looked straight at Natsu with an emotionless expression of her face.
Natsu: Who the hell are you?!?
Kenya: My name is Kenya Gold, I am also known as Sunlight Autumn, I respond to both. And if you must know, I am Dragonborn and the Goddess of Flames, your magic or anyone else's won't work on me.
Natsu grunted with anger
Kenya: Your name is Natsu..... am I correct?
Natsu: Uhhhh..... yeah.....
Kenya: Well, in that case....... its nice to meet you.....

Hope you guys liked it.
Stay tune for more chapters
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