Chapter 8

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Few Days Later During Early March...

Peter and Andi walk to Peter's house. Now that Peter knows Andi has powers, he tries to convince her to let her help him with school with her super smart. She insist on not using powers to stay human as possible. Peter understands but he thinks too himself, She's the most abnormal person there is. How can she make herself become someone she's not.

Aunt May welcomes them both inside when they walk into the kitchen. Peter has to drag Andi upstairs before she gets herself in a long conversation with his aunt. Andi and Aunt May love to talk to each other...mostly about Peter.

When they both walk inside Peter's bedroom. Andi takes off her coat leaving her in her red and green plaid rolled-up sleeved blouse. Brown combat boots and blue jeggins (leggings that look like jeans) to go with. Peter takes off his dark gray jacket while he still wears a navy blue long sleeved shirt and jeans.

"Why won't you take off your humanity. When will you?"

"Peter," Andi smiles as she sighs and shakes her head.

Peter stands behind Andi as she studies his room. "I only want you to be who you really are. And you are not normal." Peter wraps his arms around Andi's waist with his lips and nose lay song on her shoulder taking in her scent of warm vanilla and cherry blossom.

"I understand," she turns her head down. "But I want you to understand that I want to be someone normal."

Peter lifts his head and turns Andi around by her hips. "Then help me understand."

Before Andi can say anything else, Peter collides his lips with Andi's. She let's go first and sits on the bed. Peter follows along and sits next to Andi continuing kissing Andi with his most deepest passion.

From the left side of Andi's temple she feels a small burn as sharp as glass that makes her turn towards Peter's desk forcing herself to let go of her lasting kiss with Peter. Andi sees the object her mind tells her by sight as if it was playing hot or cold with her. A photo on the wall in front of them she sees. She stands up and walks to see it closer.

Andi grabs the photo of a familiar blond girl she saw from the news. The girl in the photo smiles happy and hides her face next to Peter while he smiles himself. Andi doesn't react to the photo in a bad of jealous way. No sparks or flames to make her think-

"Peter," Andi turns and holds out the photo to let Peter see. " this Gwen Stacy?" Your ex-girlfriend.

Peter stands up and takes the photo slowly out of her hand. Peter stares at the photo. He traces over Gwen's smile, her lips, the pink lips he will never feel against his own. He will never see the same smile that always lifted his heart. Or not another smart remark Gwen has to say from her intelligent mind that earned her to Oxford.

"Um...yeah." Peter sniffs.

"I know how..." Andi trails off wondering if she should of ignored the picture just to not see tears in Peter's eyes. "I wish I could of met her. She was the one who kept you happy for so long."

" would of liked her." Peter's voice croaks but he swallows and sniffs. "She liked the stories she read about the female superhero who saved Arizona."

AN: I known it is not true from the movies but it goes with the story so please understand. :)

She's a fan, Andi thinks to herself. She cups Peter's wet cheek from the tears and with her other hand, she lowers the picture. She takes it out of his hand and lays it on the desk. "Can you take me to her grave?" Andi asks turning back to Peter.

"You're sure?"

Andi nods. Peter helps Andi puts her coat back on as she lifts her hair and smiles at him over her shoulder.


Andi hides her cold pale hands in her pockets. Her hair around her neck keeps heat she feels through her head makes her feel clumsy and dizzy. She walks behind Peter letting him lead. She watches him walk through the cemetery.

How many times has he been here to know the exact spot, she wonders.

"This is...this is her grave." Peter points with his hand. Bit with excitement in his voice. Not sadness either. As if...he was introducing them both in person.

Andi reads the gray stone and traces Gwen's name. She looks down and see dead flowers. "Yeah...I need to change the flowers...I usually do but-" Peter is interrupted.

"You don't see anyone right?" Andi asks looking around. She turns to Peter who looks around with his hand over his eyes using his special vision ability...or just blocking the sun.

Peter turns to Andi and shakes his head. Andi grabs the dead flowers and gives them to Peter without question, thought, or wonder, he watches the girl he truly knows and loves pull out her hands and raises them over the grass.

Soon, white, pink, purple, blue, yellow, red. Flowers form first as light but then appear and they are spreading. They come out of Andi's hands and when she knows she's done, she drops her hands and they both look at her work.

Flowers outlining the grave. Beautiful and colorful flowers that don't grow in any certain place. Maybe flowers that must be rare and never seen. She turned off her humanity, Peter thinks. For Gwen.

Andi turns to Peter and smiles. She reaches to his ear and whispers, "Can you give us a moment."

Peter nods and walks to a tree nearby.Andi turns to the grave. "I might not know who you are...personally...but I know you were someone who was important to Peter. You were someone he loved." Andi glances at Peter kicking some rocks, leaning on the tree. "I thank you for that. Now I love him. He was my best friend and my only since I moved to New York...I just want you to help him know...he can love again."

Andi looks around feeling a cold gust of wind past through her, the grass, flowers, and the tree. She looks around her with hungry eyes to see anyone. Andi knows her powers don't allow her to communicate with the dead. A dark powers. One the universe won't let her posses. But that does not mean she can learn. "I need a sign, Gwen. To know that you're here."

The same cold wind passes in front of her. The direction Peter is. She smiles and turns her head up to the sky. "Thank you."


As Andi and Peter walk back Andi thinks of an idea. Can you walk me home please?" Andi asks.

"Why?" Peter asks lifting his eyebrows. "Can't you fly or run fast there-"

"Well I was thinking of another way we can be together but I guess-"

"Okay okay okay!" Peter hugs Andi holding her waist. He rests his lips on Andi's forehead while they walk and Andi doesn't let Peter know she still has her humanity on.

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