Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

I wake up to sunlight streaming through the window and I look around the room.

"Where the hell am I?" I say aloud, then look down at my body and realise I'm naked.

"Oh shit." I mutter. I look to the right of me and see another naked body to a girl I took home from the club last night.

"Hey." I say as I shake the girl's body, but she didn't move. "HEY!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Damn she must be a dark sleeper or is terribly hung over. After the millionth time of me yelling in her ear, she finally got up and out of my bed.

"Just give me a call if wanna hook up again." she said, then walked out of my hotel room.

Last night was fun. I went to the club with one of my bestfriends Normani last night, and ended up taking yet another girl back to my hotel room. I usually go to clubs and bars every other night because I have no better way of entertainment. Yeah, I may be an international pop star, but I actually have a lot of extra time on my hands, so why not go out clubbing and take a girl home with me to fuck? Ally says that maybe I should become "more responsible" and "maybe settle down" a bit. I'm just trying to live my life to the fullest, and this is just how I do. Dinah thinks that I should get in a serious relationship, but who has time for that? And plus I don't do the whole cute and foo foo stuff called dating.

I get out of bed and throw on a crop top and a pair of high-wast jeans with some heels. I'm heading over to Dinah's apartment to eat breakfast with her, Normani, and Ally. We go to each others houses for breakfast every other day, its just been a tradition for years now.

I met Dinah when I was first getting signed onto my record deal, which just so happend to be on the same one as her. We both have the same manager, which is kinda confusing, and we sometimes make songs together. It's really fun.

I've known Normani since high school. Im surprized that we are still friends. She's now my choreographer, so that's cool.

And Ally is my cousin. I really don't know where I would be without her, even though sometimes she can be a big pain in the ass. She is one of those people that have an extremally big heart, and loves just about anyone and anything.

I go to the main lobby and call for my driver on my phone. He arrives quickly, and I get into the SUV.

Whilst I was waiting until I arrived to Dinahs, I decided to check my Twitter. There was nothing very new, so I desided to just listen to music.

Sooner than I thought, I arrived at Dinahs.

"Hay, Chancho!" Dinah greeted me and pulled me into a hug.

"Hi. Where's the food? I'm starving."

"It's out at the table on the padio, and everyone is already here." She laughed and led me to the back yard.

I took my seat beside Ally and started attacking my food

"Well, someone must have been hungry!" Ally said sarcastically.

"Mmmhhmm." I said with a mouthful of food.

"Sooo, Mila, who was that hot girl you took from the club last night?" Normani asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Eh, just some regular chick. I didn't even get her name, but she did give me her number, even though ill never call her." I answered and continued to eat.

"Oh." Normani and Dinah said in unison and there faces dropped.

"What do you mean 'oh' its not like you guys expected me to actually like her,...right?" I asked confused.

"Well I mean you are 25, don't you think you've screwed enough people already in your life? Like when are you gonna actually fall in love with someone??"Dinah asked. She's always been that kind of person whos extremely romantic and expects everyone to be in a cute relationship.

"Dinah, you know that's not my thing." I tell her seriously.

"But maybe it should be."

"I enjoy the way I am, thank you, and its more fun this way." I reply and she seems dissapointed. I really don't like to see her upset with me, but I can't get in a relationship like that with anyone. I get attached to people to easily, and end up getting hurt in the prosses, and then I'm left heart broken. That's why I just hit it, then quit it. I've been hurt too much like that already, and I'm not gonna let it happen again.

I feel a bussing in my pocket, and look at the caller I'D and realize its my manager.

"Hang on guys I have to take this." I tell them and excuse myself from the table.


"Camila, where are you?!" she yells at me.

"At Dinah's eating...why?" I ask extremily confused.

"You were supposed to be at an interview with Dinah at 10 this morning!"

I look at the time and realize its already 11:30. "Shit sorry ok im on my way now." I say then hang up the phone and grab Dinah's arm and start walking to my SUV.

"Yo dawg where are we going?" she asks as we get into the truck.

hi guys, sorry the beginning is sooo boring. unlike my last book, I will be updating every or everyother day. hope you guys like it so far!!

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