Chapter 12

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Jayda POV

"Niall did you get the pregnancy test" i asked as niall walked In my room "Yerp" Niall said popping the 'p' "well give them here" "I got 5 here" i took they test all positive "Niall,There all positive" "REALLY" "Yea" I'm going to be a dad" "A great one at that" "You tell Erin i will tell Liam" "K"

Niall POV

Liam great news" I said jumping onn the sofa beside Liam "I'm listening" " Jayda is pregnant" I said waiting for Liam to answer "I'm going to be a uncle" "Yea" "And you're going to be a dad" "yes and Jayda going to be a mum and Erin going to be a aunt anymore questions" "Yea one,why did you get my sister pregnant?"

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