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a/n: so actually my past readers know i dont do proof reads but i just wanna say i write my chapters on the spots and i dont do draft on almost all of my stories so if you ever see some typographical error, you are open to correct me plus anyways, thank you for #509 on short story and it hasn't been a week since this book was created so thank you very much!


hyemin escorted lisa until the floor desired but she remained inside the elevator and gave the younger a warm smile and a reassurance before the door closed.

lisa knew there was no turning back so she heaved a deep breath and shook her hands before striding heavy steps towards the practice room.

she knocked twice when she faced the narrow door of the said room the frightened her and made her insides churn. her palms starting to get sweaty.

there was no response so she tried to knock again, knowing that barging inside without permits may lead her on embarrasing herself or worst, look like she was disrespectful enough to enter a prohibited area for ordinary workers.

on her second knocking attempt, the door opened ajar, and her eyes met familiar ones, peeking from the inside.

it was jungkook's and when the door revealed him, she paid her utmost respect to him and him in exchange, bowed timidly and stepping aside to motion her in.

it wasn't like the ordinary practice rooms below. she might turn her head 360 degrees while observing the area and it screamed cleanliness and luxury.

jungkook had just observed her from behind, trailing at her back and smile from time to time. only then she realized he does when she took a step back and bumped on his chest, she surely turn red at that incident.

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