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crowds cheering and shouting for their idols started to ring towards the girls' ears as they walked towards the backstage. they've missed the feeling of this. after performing the same song all over a year, here they are back again, waiting for the group's name to be called before facing the public,  after a yearlong hiatus and a member's scandal.

the girls are already at the side of stage waiting to be called. comforting each other before facing the general public.

"here, we welcome with us tonight, let ourselves grace with the presence of worldwide sensation kpop girl group, blackpink!"

the massive crowd inside the wide stadium roared. the girls strutted their way across the stage. overwhelmed by the cheers, not knowing whether it was a roar of acknowledgment or criticism,  they will never know. they kept their faces straight, strong facade engulfed their aura as the camera panned across them.

the worry they had before was eased when they saw pink hammers shining amongst the crowd. surely, blinks wouldn't let them down.

as near as where the other idols are, it's too late to back out and change their direction once they've realized it's the group they don't want to encounter the whole night who is next to them.

rosé first noticed but mind is too occupied to notice them. she knows the other members will feel very awkward knowing they will stand beside bangtan sonyeodan for god knows how long, all they are able to do is keep a good five meter distance away from them.

the boys moved farther from them, not even knowing about blackpink's presence beforehand.

as more and more groups were called, the distance became closer and closer. leaving without any choice now, they are really close towards the group they don't want to interact with. well, the feeling is indeed mutual.

the feeling of performing once again rushed against their spine, specially lisa's. the night by far is going fine— or at least she hoped so. fanning her face a couple of times, she was then comforted by a worried look from her unnie.

"you can do this, lisa, yeah? it's the first time you have been this distant and care free towards them. i'm so proud of you." the eldest told her and lisa sighed of relief. yes, it was this night that her faced showed no care, nothing. compared to the other encounters they have where she's really uncomfortable. she tried her best to mask her feelings, but her sisters knows what's real deep down her.

the door flung open, and the manager came barging in. giving the girls a heads up that they are performing next.

lights were dark as soon as they got on the other side of the stage where they will be stepping on a platform that goes up. the girls were gathered there and are up high the stadium, waiting for the intro music to start.

(refer to multimedia)

the performance is great, as expected of blackpink. the five minute dancing and singing didn't exhaust lisa, the intense stares were. and it wasn't from the audiences, it was from the artists' side. as soon as it ended, lisa ran as fast as she could towards the backstage heading to their dressing room, straight.

she's already a senior, and every bows and greetings the other idols were giving her, as much as she could, she did in exchange. some knew she's in weird sense of hurry, and some didn't mind.

whilst she's arrived, the first one to catch up to her is chaeyoung, asking why she was in a hurry.

"what's the matter?" the elder asked.

"you know, jungkook." she told her almost like a gasp escaping her lips.

"i just wanted to disappear the moment i felt his eyes on me. i can't forget everything, rosie." she held the latter's hand and clasped them. "i know i have to, i've been doing well but whenever i get to see him, everything is coming back." lisa didn't hold back her feelings. the uneasiness she was feeling before vanished when chaeyoung invited her for a hug.

jennie and jisoo arrived at the scene with rosé signalling them that the younger is crying. all jennie could to is to rub lisa's back while the eldest, jisoo, could only watch her walls crumble before her eyes.

as the eldest, it is her duty to watch over them, especially after learnig about lisas situation. ever since then, alm that happened to the girl, she gets involved. together with jennie, and rosé, they fully gave their best to show the youngest that she is well-loved and what society's opinion about her doesn't matter.

although her appearance in her previous scandal wasn't revealed, it scarred her and her confidence. the damage was great and it kept hunting her. even if a lot of time had passed already.

a knock on the door caught the attention of the four. while lisa was wiping her tears, jennie checked the peephole on who was knocking and it caught her offguard.

"lisa, it's jungkook."

a/n: longest update of book two so far. well, in any case that you are confused, pls let me know. but then, if you are a liskooker maybe you have already watched on youtube what happened mysteriously during gda 2018 where when bp headed backstage and jk followed and rm motioned jimin to follow jk and when they came back, jimin was comforting jk and the girls also, and lisa for sure was looking sad. i saw once on the comments that jk did really asked to talk to lisa but then was confronted by a yg employee and was not allowed to see/talk lisa. if you have no idea what i am talking about i will link it on the comments below. :)

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