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y/n's pov
i vaguely remember feeling my screams ripped from my lungs, as i free fall downwards.

this is it. my death.

what a ridiculous gravestone that would be:

y/n l/n
born : (your birthday)
died : (whichever date you'd like)
fell off solid air, out of her bedroom window

suddenly there's a whoosh, a blinding flash, and a burning pain on my back. i'm not falling any more, but i haven't exactly collided with anything. i'm simply suspended in the air.

i let out a rasping gasp, and try to inhale air into my deprived lungs. it's tricky, even worse than that feeling when you've just finished running really fast and you can't get enough air into your lungs.

then i feel myself softly placed onto the ground. i lie there for a moment, staring up at the sky, panting, trying to inhale even a shred of air into my lungs. the night above me is pure black, like a black hole is about to swallow me up.
it's so dark... even the stars have gone out.
then a familiar worried voice sounds to my right

"y/n? it's okay, you're okay. are - are you okay?"

i do my best to nod. the rushing wind had made my eyes tear up and i blink them away to see the shocked face of caleb hovering over me. i stay still, not quite having retrieved all my energy, staring up at that dense dark sky. as i watch, something happens that i can't quite explain. it doesn't quite lighten, but it suddenly doesn't seem as dense. and as i continue to stare upwards, little specks of light start to pop back into life overhead.

the stars are back.

after a few seconds more of watching the stars come back, i find enough adrenaline to turn my head to look at caleb and give him a weak, small smile through my dry lips.

"ah, good! it worked!" he says out of relief. then he coughs. "i mean, of course it worked. this is me."

i scoff at him, rolling my eyes. "yes, naturally."

i sit up, feeling a slight pain in my tailbone. "eek," i squeak quietly.

"ah, crap, are you hurt?" that's undoubtedly gaten's tone, and seconds later he's bending over me as well. "what's hurting, y/n?"

"i'm... fine." i say, trying hard not to wince. now is really not the time to be an invalid. "what... happened?"

"desperate measures." says caleb grimly. "millie lost her energy and you both started freefalling, so me and gaten had to act fast. sorry if it burned... i bet it did, huh?"

"just a little."

"yeah... not the best way to do it, but it's better than facepalming the concrete floor from two-storeys up."

"you can say that again," i grimace. "what did you do?"

"i took care of you, gaten for finn," explains caleb, as gaten jogs out of my line of vision again, probably to check on either millie or finn. "i reckon mine worked better just because it's dark. i kind of caught you in a great blanket of darkness. it solidified enough to support your weight. finn was caught by light... but as there's not as much light as of right now... i'm guessing it wasn't as strong."

"what?" i gasp. "are you telling me that i was supported by darkness?"

"yep, exactly." says caleb. "i mean as it's a force, i'm guessing it burned, and i'm sorry again, but..."

"no, no," i say, "thank you for saving me."

he smiles. "anytime, y/n. i mean, you're one of us now."

heya my lovely readers!
firstly, i wanted to apologise for not updating in so long! i'm so so so sorry my loves, i haven't forgotten you! it's just you know when the whole world appears to be against you? yah!!
second, i want to say WTF THANK YOU ALL SO FREAKING MUCH FOR EVERYTHING OMG! ALL THE SUPPORT, AND FOR 50k READS! you guys are the best eVER omg kskdksd i can't! all your comments on my -pls read- chapter made me cry; they were the sweetest thing ever! i love you all to literal death. you all deserve the world and more.❤️
lastly, some one said they were a fan and i freaked out of pure happiness ; i have fans?? wtf? me? what did i do to deserve this??! i cri, i love you all so so so much. you mean everything to me you guys!

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