Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty:: The Murder Of One

It's been a few days since what happened on my balcony. Damon and Stefan have been keeping me in the loop, but out of all the supernatural business. They say it's safer, especially because of my 'state of mind'. Which makes me wonder what the hell that means. Stefan says that I might go all crazy and hurt people. Just because my best friend probably hates me, doesn't mean I'm going to start ripping heads off. It just means one less Mikaelson to deal with. Anyway, Damon and Stefan found out that parts of the White Oak tree were still around. This is a way for them to kill the Originals. Then,  Rebekah decided to burn it all, except one thing. The Wickery Bridge sign. Now I stand inside Alaric's apartment with Damon, Stefan, and Ric. "Have a great day, thanks for coming by." Damon says to Elena. "Dam..." she starts but gets cut off when Damon closes the door and walks over to us. We are standing by a miter saw with the Wickery Bridge sign. He listens to Elena leaving. "Walking down the stairs, opening the front door, and she's gone." Damon says. Alaric turns the saw on and lowers the saw and begins to cut the sign.

Later, we are creating stakes from the Wickery Bridge sign. Stefan looks at one of the stakes. "This needs to have a sharper point." He hands the stake to me. "I got it." I say. "We finally have our own stakes to kill an Original. I'm not gonna miss because you can't whittle." he says to me. I roll my eyes at him and say, "I said I got it. Stop micromanaging." I start to sharpen the point and Alaric puts his jacket on. "Looks like you guys have got this under control. I'm gonna call the Sheriff." Ric says. Damon, Stefan, and I look at him. "I want to turn myself in." Ric tells us. "No you don't." Damon says. "I have a homicidal alter ego. Unlike some people in this room, I would like to take responsibility for the people I've killed." Ric explains. "If you wanted to turn yourself in, you wouldn't be saying it out loud. Just saying." Damon says. "Hey, listen, out of all the people you cannot psychoanalyze me. I killed Caroline's father; I nearly killed Meredith. Everything's changed." Ric says. "Look, you're not turning yourself in. Bonnie's herbs are working and we have Originals to kill." Stefan says. "His morals get very questionable when he has revenge on the brain." Damon says. "Klaus needs to die. We finally have the chance to kill him, so you are not turning yourself in." Stefan says. I stand up and turn to Alaric. I hand him his Gilbert ring. "Here's your ring, Ric. Put it on." I say. "That ring is the reason I've killed people." he tells me. "It's also the reason you're alive. You're going vampire hunting, Ric. Wear it." I say.
Alaric takes the ring and puts it on.

Caroline and I are walking through the woods. I thought it would be best for me to tell her about how Ric killed her dad. "Alaric Saltzman killed my father?" she asks. "I can't expect you to be okay with this. But at least these herbs that Bonnie's giving him, they're healing him and they're keeping the dark side buried." I tell her. "Yeah, and that's supposed to make everything okay?" she asks. I grab Caroline's arm and she faces me. Caroline is teary eyed. "No, Caroline, it's not okay. It's horrible and I feel horrible about it, but he's a victim of something supernatural, he didn't ask for this, it just happened to him. Just like Bonnie's mom, I mean, she didn't ask to become a vampire. And neither did Stefan or Tyler." I tell her. "Or me." she says. "Or you. None of you asked for this, but who would I be if I just turned my back on any of you?" I say.
Caroline moves to my side and wraps her arm around my shoulders. We start to walk off. "Oh, Natalie Pierce, savior of the cursed and the damned." she says and I laugh. Elena and Matt join us. "Hey. What's with the cryptic secret meeting text?" Matt asks. "I don't know. Stefan just said to meet here." Elena says. Stefan and Damon arrive and join us. "Where's Bonnie?" Stefan asks. Caroline and I turn around. "I texted her too." Stefan says. "Um, Bonnie's mom bailed on her. Again. So, I think we should leave her out of this one." Caroline says and I nod. "What are we doing here?" Matt asks. "We found some more white oak. Long story, wait for the movie." Damon says. "Hang on. White oak? You have a weapon that can kill Klaus?" Elena asks. "Nope. We all have a weapon." Stefan throws down a duffel bag with white oak stakes in it.

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