Seven Short Years

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        I awoke in the middle of the night to crashes and screams. At first, I believed I was just having a nightmare, and tried to wake myself up. It didn't work. A lot of times, reality becomes the nightmare you can't escape and that was exactly what had happened to me. Being naive as I was, I went rushing down the stairs and towards the sound of the crashing. My mother was lying on the floor in a pool of blood and my father was holding her in his hands crying hysterically. He kept saying "Oh Laurie! Laurie!" When I realized what I was looking at, I screamed so loud I was surprised the windows in my house held up. When my father noticed me standing there he desperately told me, "Katherine, go get help!" I knew he was trying to keep me from seeing her like that, but the damage had been done. Her throat had been slashed, it was a quick yet very painful death and at seven years old I found myself without a mother. They never found who killed her, and I think it's going to be a mystery forever. There were several women who matched my mothers description at that time who were killed around the area. The police think there is some physcopathic murderer who attacked them all. He moved fast and with purpose and he killed at random. I think that was the worst part--my mother didn't even do anything to deserve to die. 

        That was ten years ago, the blood is cleaned up, mother's grave is dressed with purple lillies since those were her favorites, and I still miss her terribly. Seven years seems like such a short time to have with someone, especially when you can't even remember the person for the full seven years. When we are young we don't remember anything it seems. I've spent a good majority of my life thinking about how unfair it is that I had to go through this loss. I hear girls at school complain about their mother all the time, about how she won't buy them this or won't let them date a certain boy. I just wish I had another minute with my mom. So I could tell her that I love her, and give her a huge neck hug and let her know that everything is going to be okay. And she would let me know that everything will be okay, too.

        I stand at my mother's tombstone, there's a picture of her engraved on it along with her name and the years she lived. There is a quote on the grave that reads, "Reader beware as you walk by, as you are now so once was I, as I am now you too will be, therefore prepare to follow me." I've always loved that, because it suited my mother well. Father always thought it was a little too dark for her, but I remembered mom always had her nose stuck in a poetry book or was making up some type of clever rhyme. I did not, however, enjoy the quote today because it was the last time for a long time that I would be looking upon it. Today we are to leave to go to my grandfathers house, he is wealthy and he is dying. So father says we must pay our visits so we aren't taken out of the will and also, because my father is superstitious and I honestly believe his father would come back to haunt him if we didn't visit. 

        I have never met my grandfather, in fact I didn't know he existed until yesterday evening when my father told me we are leaving tonight. I can't help but be curious as to why my father would keep his existence a secret, and I know there has to be something he isn't letting me know about his father. When we arrive, I plan on finding out. 

I hope you're enjoying my story! If you do, I'd appreciate you letting me know in the comments. It takes a lot of work to write these chapters and develop a story, so if you did like it please give me a heart or subscribe so you can read more. Thank you! :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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