the aftertaste ;

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it is not like anything of this is new,it is just the sudden remembering of all those good times Luna had with matteo in any random hours of a day which is always painful to go trough.but she yet never told anyone not even Nina that it's still being like this,after two months of their break up.

it's a shame to bo honest since no matter what she did,she could never make him stay.he wasn't being so toxic like that to her from the very beginning - he was still egostic tough but she knew he only starved for a real love.someone to be there for him and listen to him.maybe she was wrong when she thought she was the one he needed after all.

Luna sighed,she already had a bad Feeling knowing today would be the day of her math exam and now sitting on her chair,the exam laying in front of her while the clock on her classrooms wall kept on ticking made her feel like throwing up.maybe she should have studied more and setting toe thoughts on the side for a while.

she ended up giving the exam back just as blank as she recieved it,all those questions being unanswered as she gets a worried look on her teachers face.luna knew she was worried for her,somehow all of her friends were.she didn't undersant why.couldn't find a reason for that.everyone knew hey broke up.her behaviour wasn't that scaring at all - it's just her Progress of moving on,they had to understand that she just needs time and with no Long pass of time she would be her old,bright and smiling self again.

that her she craved for being again,too.

matteo noticed it too,but he had a lot of other things to do than ask his ex-girlfriend if she's okay.he still hoped she were.luna was rolling over for the traininng with juliana.such a mess.luna mesed up nearly every move and even once nearly hit him as she dudged herself down to get the ball,she accidentaly let go of a couple minutes ago.

"Luna,are you okay?",it surprised her since julina basically never asks about their well doing or anything.luna thought she miss heard it for something else said by someone else but was faced with the realization that it was really juliana who asked.she nooded fastly as she noticed matteos glance on her.she knew he wanted to ask - wanting to know what's going on.she knew him way too perfectly to undertsandimant that Kind of look on his face.

but she doesn't want to talk to him about it at all.she just wanted to get over it,get over him.she fastly turned around as juliana made sure once more that she's okay and excused herself to the toilet.after being back she was just standing there in the hall.all by herself,with the lightning being turned felt weird to her because she was sure they heard her saying she would be right back."what's going on?".she was just abut to leave when she sees matteo Skating over to her guieded by a Little lightning falling over him as he's breathtaking Quality for sure.but all in all this was just making her feel worse for a lot of reasons.

they called its end to whatever they had an were in such a rush and bad mood,so what dose he want two months later?what was there left to be said?dose he want to make her feel even sadder than she already dose?.when he reached her he smiled softly which makes his eyes Close and look like half moons.she always loved his eyes.just not on that day he ended it with her.nowadays seeiing his smile makes her heart aches because she misses those times when she was the reason for it,the reason he smiled geunily.god - she misses him.

she bit her lip,still avoiding any eye contact with matteo,too scared she would get overwhelmed by her Feelings and do things she would regret or not.he reached her cheecks and puts her face fully into his Hands,a Feeling of comfort and warth spreading through the Bodys of them both - both of them choosing to ignore something so meaningful and blend it out.

even if it made her crazy and turned her bones until they would be as cold as rivers,she would still not tell him how good he still made her feel,how hard it was for her to resist those storms he created in her head,those sparks he emited in her heart and all those big and small buterflies,still having the same amount of meaning and feeling to itself,who were living good in her stomach as they always have been just maybe not on that one certain cold night in june,as matteo blurted out his thoughts.

straightly told her that he's Kind of getting a different vibe of her in the past weeks which basically means as in chica fresa logic,that he's thinking she's not understanding any of his words,that she's misunderstanding all of his tries and that he's sick of doing with no Progress of posetivity in their relationship.luna understood all of that as she Kind of did let matteo off - left him hanging on an edge of a cliff for hours while still hoping he would still be happy with her for three weeks before he ended it.or so it Kind of looked to her.

pushing him away was what she did a lot was an end maybe predictable?she however went through that nearly blindly - ignoring it completly.until she had conveyed tht message to her heart trying,under the Need of the break up,to calm those sparks,which never worked as it all gets once again seen as those big brown eyes of his make her knews feel weak.such a crimial Thing,his curled beautiful hair and those eyes which look like half moons as he smiles softly or geniunly.he was way too bad for her health,in a good as in a bad way.

but she nontheless wanted to speak her mind now,luna kept it in for way too was a now or never Situation as is Hands drift from her cheeks to her Hands now,holding them tightly.maybe she offered him an final explaniaton that luna was Feeling uneasy about,because they were friends but she's fearing the possebilty that he would stop doing so after she's done answering and speaking her mind.

taking a deep breathe,luna starts to speak."as you ended things,it was harder for me than anyone could ever imagine.sleeping was the worst to find after and i couldn't help but wonder if you were like this too.had to pretend you're smiling because you really feel the happiness,look up in the Internet how to hide eyebugs and tell jokes to Keep up the Image of being such a happy,brave and strong Person after all - but i never wished you any of this.i wasn't fine and even though my tounge burned for it to ask you i never did,want to know why?".

matteo had enough of her hitting and throwing her hands around as she explains herself.of coursed he lived for this to happen but he was way too distracted by her lips from time to time,that he just needed to lean in and kiss her right cheek.looking like it was such a normaly daily thing he dose.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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