I am broken

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I am damaged shattered and crumbled to a million pieces what started as a small crack in my windshield was never taken care of and so it split and splintered and snapped until the whole thing exploded in my face leaving me quite blind to see where I was going how do you build yourself back up when every piece of who you are has been broken into a million pieces when the pits would be a paradise compared to my present pain when lifetimes of crying couldn't clean up this stain I lies from the floor wondering what all this gore was for is there purpose to this pain can there be meaning in my mess where can I find beauty from my brokenness and from this darkness and when I can't find the strength to say it much less pray it suddenly I discover that my life can become a mosaic a picture or pattern produced by putting together small broken pieces I will become an art piece formed from the pieces of me that once put together reveals something far more beautiful far more powerful and far more wonderful than I ever dreamed of when I was whole so break my body so break my heart you can't touch this soul I may walk with a limp but my spirit has never been stronger because after blow after blow I'll build up slow and discover the new glow so when you look at me I want you to know that's not a scar that's a beauty those aren't scabs they're the armor of a mighty warrior it's not a bruise it's war paint I want you to know these tears they're not for you they're for watering the seed that fell to the ground and died but with time will produce an even stronger trees stronger me so trap me down break me apart you'll only add more wood to the fire to which I'll rise and the size of my burnin is only I'm done but the size of my breakthrough when I shocked the world and you made new from the pieces a million pieces

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