A Moment Of Love #MyRomance18

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His brown, shining eyes bore into my blue ones. They radiated love. Unconditional love.

The kind of love that makes you weightless and lifts you up.

Changing you forever.

But, maybe I should start at the beginning.

The beginning...


It's hard for me to pinpoint exactly when it had all started, but I do know that the beginning did not take place on that evening. Nor had it been when we had met for the first time. No, the beginning had been much earlier.

Much, much earlier.

You know how an important event in your life sometimes casts its shadow (or light, depending on your point of view and the occasion) into the past?

No? Yes?

In my case, it did.

And it compelled me to search for something from an early age. What it was, exactly, that I was searching for, I could not have said. But I intuitively felt that it would be something grand. Something earth shattering. And something well worth the effort.

And it all came to a kind of fruition on that day.

Why on that day?

I don't know. Maybe I had simply not been ready before.

You know, we human beings are often complicated creatures and I might have rejected before, what he so freely gave me on that day. Which had happened to be my 35th birthday.

Truth to tell, before going, I had not been sure I'd even be able to see him. I had been hoping for it, of course, but with his busy schedule, I had not been sure.

But then someone – a friend – had known where he would be that afternoon and had given me a ride.

To my great joy and delight, of course...

I ended up arriving even before him, which I did not mind in the least. Being early was infinitely better than coming late. Because in that case, I am not sure that I would have had the courage – or the right – to simply intrude.

No, arriving first was definitely perfect.

I chose a red upholstered seat somewhere in the middle of the hall and waited patiently.

And peacefully.

Very peacefully, in fact. So much so, I almost could not believe that a human being like me was able to experience that much of this often elusive quality.

And then I saw him.

When he entered the room, all talking ceased, all heads swiveled towards him and all eyes were suddenly on the frail looking, but still respect-commanding figure, who slowly proceeded towards the middle of the room.

For the longest time, he just stood there, unwavering. He did not utter a single word, but I did not expect him to.

I knew the drill. After all, it was not my first time in his company.

But it was my fist time at this auspicious venue.

Having received a wordless sign after an indefinite amount of time had past, I finally went up to him and our eyes met. The effulgence of the peace, love and light in his silent gaze flowed into me, filling me to the brim and beyond.

My thoughts had ceased before, so at this point, there was nothing left to interfere.

Silence met silence. Love met love.

And something within me let go, opened up and changed forever.

I knew immediately that I would never be the same.

When I had received the inner blessing, along with an outer one in the form of a blue, dove-shaped cookie, I made room for the person behind me, the next in line.

Having climbed up the stairs leading towards the exit, I turned around one more time to marvel at the Indian man dressed in a blue dhoti that had touched my life in ways that are almost impossible to convey.

And I knew that both would forever be imprinted on the tablet of my heart: the beautiful venue of the United Nations that had hosted this meditation event and had been the shelter for my experience, and the spiritual giant before me, my master and guru.

Sri Chinmoy

To anybody reading this: since I wrote it for a writing challenge, could you, please (!!) point out any mistakes you find? (Until the 28th of February, when the deadline for the submissions ends.)

And let me know what you think, maybe... ?

In any case, I had a lot of fun writing this and I hope the whole thing remained a mystery for you, at least for some time. (Although those who have read my other books were probably not fooled. Right?)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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