dorbyn; right here

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this is (somewhat) inspired by Right Here - Chase Atlantic; (this is really bad and I'm sorry)

The blond boy woke up to the bed shifting, as he turned around he saw Daniel with a frown on his face muttering "fuck" repeatedly under his breath all while trying to pick up his clothes.

"Hey, baby" said Corbyn with a smirk on his face
"Fuck, you're awake. I have to go. Also, don't call me baby, what happened last night was a mistake and we both know it so just forget that it ever happened!"

"You don't have to go, you know that right?"
"Corbyn, Zach and Jack have already texted me about a hundred times. I was supposed to leave with them yesterday night" the brunet boy said as he tried to put on his boxers.

"I don't give a fuck about your friends" the oldest one replied, earning a disapproving look from Daniel. "So tell me what you think about staying here instead" he insisted.

"I think it's an awful idea. We hooked up, nothing else. I don't want to fuck around anymore, Corbyn"
"Well, Daniel, I don't want to leave this bed and I don't want you to leave me so please explain why you need to go because I'm not buying into that friend bullshit."

"Because maybe I actually do feel something for you! And I get that you don't feel anything for me but if we keep this going I'm only going to get my hopes up and get heartbroken and you'll walk out of my life!" Daniel screamed "Everyone always walks out." He muttered softly with tears welling in his eyes.

As he heard Daniel's confession, Corbyn's features softened, looking at his hurt expression, and immediately got up from his spot on the bed, where his legs were tangled with the white linen sheets.
"But baby, take a look around" he walked to Daniel as he continued his sentence "I'm the only one who hasn't walked out". When he was close enough to Daniel, he engulfed the boy in a warm meaningful hug "I'm right here" he whispered in Daniel's ear as he traced shapes on his bare back.

Pulling away from the hug, both boys stared lovingly into each other's eyes (a/n- wow how clichê of me) and none of the them noticed they were leaning in until their lips were practically brushing up against each other. Although both of them wanted it, Daniel made the final move, surprisingly. He placed his hands on Corbyn's cheeks and captured his lips in a sweet, loving and passion filled kiss.

Pulling away, Corbyn rested his forehead on Daniel's, both with goofy smiles on their faces. The blond pulled the younger boy on the bed, laughter filling the air as they both fell on top of the messy bed.

"I hope this changed your mind, so, what do you think about staying right here in bed?"
"I think it's a great idea, Corbyn." Daniel said holding Corbyn tightly against his chest.

"The thing we did yesterday..." Daniel hummed in response"What about it?"

"It's happening again" the older one whispered with a smirk plastered on his face.
"Keep telling yourself that, babe"

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WOW Jo actually updating this book wHaT iS tHiS mAgIc ThAt HaS oCcUrEd?1?!?1!!?1?

in case you missed it, the bold parts are all lyrics

I know this is terrible but y'all wanted me to post so I did

i have another one halfway written BUT don't get your hopes up

524 words

01 march 2018

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