Sammy Realises That He Is Very Gay

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  The studio was always quiet to Sammy. Sure, the other floors had more life, but Sammy's section tended to only be him and the searchers that he had convinced himself also worshipped Bendy. Bendy. The thought of the ink demon made Sammy shake with delight. Sammy had worshipped the demon relentlessly for years now, and where most people would be deterred by the lack of recognition from their idol, Sammy was just as determined to serve Bendy.
  Sammy at the moment had been writing on the walls in ink when he heard crawling above him. He jumped, and excitedly grinned up towards the ceiling. "He crawls above me," he whispers to himself. Clasping his hands together, he yelled to the ceiling, "Hello, my lord! I hope to please you! What do you desire?" Sammy patiently waited for a response, and still grinned after his lord continued to walk. "He heard me! I know it."
  Throughout the day, Sammy did his usual schedule; eating soup, writing on the walls, tracking Bendy's footsteps, preaching to searchers. Throughout it all, he could only think of the ink demon, his savior. Even though he felt unworthy to think such thoughts, he simply adored the idea of his lord embracing him, saying that Sammy was his. And he was. Sammy wished it was true or even likely, but he knew that his lord required more than simple sacrifices to... Sammy thought to himself, to what? He decided to push it out of his mind.
  The last thing that Sammy did every night before sleeping was watching some of the old cartoons. Any would do, Bendy was the star of every one. Sammy had watched them all many times, but the plot didn't ever matter much to him. Neither did the other characters. Only Bendy. Sammy picked up a reel from the floor, and popped it into the projector. Grabbing a can of soup, he sat down and sipped it as the show started.
  His old composition began. He could remember writing each one. When he had started working at Sillyvision, he did not see the importance of Bendy. Sammy regretted this. But seeing the animated demon jump on screen and dance to his tunes, it made his stomach turn. Sammy could never figure out exactly what it was. Admiration, he thought to himself, or old soup. Whatever it was, he smiled happily as he watched Bendy on the screen. When the title screen appeared, however, Sammy's excitement faded. This was Sent from Above, Sammy's least favorite. He hated Alice Angel. He despised her character, her voice, everything. It made him furious that he had written songs for her. Nonetheless, he continued to watch, trying to ignore the female cartoon.
  As the cartoon went on, Bendy finally met the angel, and those sickening heart eyes appeared. Sammy had to look away as he offered her flowers, chocolates and jewelery. He held the soup close to his lips to take another sip, not noticing his clenched grip on it, and the soup ejected out of the can and onto his mask. "Curses," he whispered. He stood up, and walked over to a nearby inky rag, grumbling as he wiped off the smears. What would my lord think if he saw me like this? He'd think I was disgracing his legacy. I would never. Sammy threw the rag onto a nearby chair and returned to his seat. Putting the soup on a nearby table, he continued to watch Bendy attempt to woo the angel. "Disgusting," he mumbled. "My lord would never fall for an angel. My lord would want someone devoted to him, someone who would put him before themself. Someone..." Sammy's eyes widen. "Like..." He looked up at the screen, seeing Bendy offer a bouquet of roses to Alice Angel. Sammy rushed to the projector and turned it off. Running to where the cartoon had been projected, he hastily drew a picture of himself over where Alice's image was. Running back, he turned the projector back on. Bendy was no longer offering flowers to Alice Angel. He was offering them to... "ME!"
  Sammy finally understood. He began to laugh. An joyful yet sickening laugh. "I get it! I finally get it!" He clasped his hands together. "I love my lord!"
    He kept watching the episode, and whenever the angel moved, Sammy would stop the episode and place himself there instead. Sammy suddenly liked the episode very much. Sure, it took long breaks to draw himself in, and by time it was over, the entire wall was covered in scribbles of himself, but Sammy was estatic. "My lord," he whispered, "I'll be your's. I'll make you happy." Stepping away from the covered wall, he began new drawings; drawings of the two of them.
    Sammy continued to fill the room with drawings until every surface was covered. Standing surrounded by his work, he laughed. "How have I not realised this before? Me and my lord are meant to be together." Shuffling over to a particularly large drawing of Bendy, he smiled. "Hello, my lord. You look very handsome today. Would you care to have dinner with me?" He shook his head. "No, that won't work. How about," Sammy leaned against a nearby wall. "Hey there, my lord. What are you- No, not that either." Sighing, he finally sat in front of the drawing. "My lord, I love you." He pressed his masked face against the picture. "I know you will love me too."
    When Sammy finally did go to his ink-covered mattress and curled up, he held his Bendy-plush extra close to him. Gently, he placed a kiss on it's head. Tomorrow, he decided, I will tell him. I will find him and I will tell him. And then he fell asleep.

//wazzap im the author sorry this is short check me out at sammylovesbendy and bendylovessammy on tumblr bc they are both very gay blogs

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