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Fuck Life. It sucks. Especially when he ditches you for her. So fuck him. Fuck everybody. Fuck everything. Life is a bitch. So fuck life. So fuck me. I hate it here. I hate life. So fuck life. So fuck everything. I hate myself. So fuck me. I hate her. So fuck her. What does he see in her. I don't understand him. She puts him in physical pain. So fuck her. I wish I didn't fuck up everything but I do. So fuck me. So fuck life. So fuck everything. So fuck everyone. So fuck him. I hate myself and you ask why. Well that's easy. Because I'm a cold hearted liar. Because I'm a bitch. Because I am an unlovable, fucked up, nobody. Because I am a terribly disgusting attention whore. Because even if I tried to be a kind hearted, lovable soul, I would deteriorate because I am an unwanted, brainless bimbo that is too thick headed to think about any consequences or concerns of any living being to ever be created. So maybe I should die it wouldn't matter to him or to her. Definitely not her. So fuck her.So fuck him. So fuck life. So fuck everything. So fuck everyone. So fuck me.
Fuck Life.

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