Music ¬ Zoro

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School was usually the most boring part of the day, but sometimes (Y/N) would get an idea on how to annoy her green haired friend. Like that one time she wore all green for two days straight. Or when she dyed her hair green to look like him.

It was fun to watch his reactions, and see him trying to avoid her at all times. The second day of 'all green' he didn't even come to school. But that wasn't a problem because after classes she found him in the park with some of his friends. Law, Sanji, Usopp and Franky. So she just walked to him and made him so embarrassed that he went home before it even got dark.

So today (Y/N) was planing to not talk with him at all. She was going to answer him only with bits of songs she knew he hated. And there was a very long list, as he hated all pop music.

To start it off, she called him before school to ask him to pick her up. Not even a second after he answered the phone did she start her evil plan.

"Hello~" she sang. When he didn't say anything, probably being confused, she continued. "I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet~" just as she finished the lyric he ended the call. Seemed like she was walking to school that day.


Walking to her history class with Nami, she remembered that Zoro was in the same class and giggled a little, which didn't go unnoticed by the redhead beside her.

"What are thinking about, (Y/N)?" she asked looking at her with a knowing smile. The (h/c) haired girl kept a smile on her face as they were entering their class.

"You'll see..." she whispered as she searched the room to find her friend. He was already sleeping in the back. (Y/N) made her way over to his desk, leaned over to his ear and started singing. "Why you gotta be so rude~ Don't you know I'm human too~"

The boy looked up at her and she could already see the annoyed look on his face., while he was met with a grin and playful (e/c) eyes. He frowned at her then closed his eyes again to go back to sleep.

(Y/N) took her seat behind Zoro, messing with him a little more before Miss Robin started her lesson.


"(Y/N), stop!" Zoro growled down at the annoying girl next to him. They were walking back home together since they lived close to each other. She was still only singing to him, and he was losing his patience.

"What do you mean?~ Oh~" she sang leaning a little on him and laughing at his frown. He stopped and turned to her and just stared.

"I'm warning you, (Y/N). Stop." he said looking very angry by now. That was the scary side of him. And she knew to never cross it. But this time, she was going to win. She was going to make him beg her to stop.

"Is it to late now to say sorry?~"

That was the last thing she could sing. Not because she didn't want to. No, she had lots of things to say now. But Zoro's lips were firmly pressed on hers and the only thing she could do was kiss back.

Only she knew how much she's been aching to feel this, to live this moment. She wrapped her hands around his neck and Zoro held her hips with his big hands. The kiss went on and on until they couldn't breath and were forced to part their lips from each other, but not anything else.

"Will you stop that now?" he questioned, smirk on his face.

(Y/N) looked into his eyes, searching for the confirmation that this was not just a random kiss, and she found it. His eyes held feelings of love and passion. She kissed him one more time before whisper-singing in his ear an old Justin Bieber song she used to listen to a lot.

"Love me, love me, say that you love me~" and with that she ran away with her new lover chasing after her.

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