Chapter 1: A New Day

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Hi my name is Sheena. I was from Arizona till I move to California. I only moved there because I have no choice. My parents wanted to move. In plus, my brother (Jake) and my sister (Christina) wanted to have more fun near the beach instead of being stuck in Arizona. I missed my best friend (Ariana). She was the greatest person I've ever met in my old school. Though, I was the captain of the cheer leading team. I wasn't so popular. In fact, I got bullied for my glasses which is the dumbest reason for them to do that. That's when Ariana step in and defended me. She did told me she will be moving in soon with my family so that she can hang out with us all a long.

I should probably described myself more. I have brown hair with some curls in it. I have a tan skin with light brown eyes. I usually dress like a relaxed person when it comes to school. Might be like a tomboy but in reality I'm girly ASF. Which is funny because I don't really wear dresses and make up as much. I just think it's a waste of time in plus I have plenty of things to do in life instead of that.

I was having a great dream till my clock went off at 7:00.

"ugh, kill me now" I said as I grabbed the pillow near me and place it over my head wishing I have more time to sleep. Cause damn, sleep is life. Sleep is the only thing that can't hurt me one bit.

Jake just bust open the door and screams, "wake your lazy ass up, we have a new school day to look forward to!"

Jake is the type that don't care about anything but he does love me and our family. He don't usually brush his hair but he fixes it all the time before he leaves somewhere and put on decent clothes. He have brown hair as well but it's short and he have brown eyes.

I turned around and see him staring at me. I rubbed my eyes and say, "don't make me tell mom you desturbing my sleep for your entertainment".

"Do it, actually I will call mom..... MOM!!!" Jake yelled.

Our mom rushed into my room thinking that something bad was happening in our room because Jake yelled making her run for once and out of breathe. She says "WHAT! WHAT HAPPEN!.....".

She looks around noticing me still in bed tired and Jake looking at her.

"Jake why the heck are you yelling, you almost gave me a heart attack" she says catching up on her breathe. Looking at Jake for an answer.

"Well mom Sheena won't get out her bed to get dress for school-" "Mom, he disturbed my sleep" I said interrupting him.

She look at the both of us saying, "Sheena you have school so get dress please and Jake don't bother your sister".

She grabs his hand pulling him out of the room and close the door but before she does that. Jake says "But-" "No buts" she said interrupting him.

I laughed at how childish my big brother can be. I mean we in the same grade to be honest. We seniors, but like we always pick on each other.

I started getting up on my two feet and went to go take a shower and turn on some of my favorite music's from Calvin Harris. As I got done taking a shower, I started to hum a song and brush my hair in the mirror putting on my glasses. I noticed my boob is pretty big then it was 1 year ago. I was very excited that it was. Is that weird?

Anyways, I left the bathroom and went to get dress. I decided to wear a black sweater over my white v t-shirt, with black booty shorts and converse. I turned off the music and charge my phone while I fix up my hair in the mirror making sure it's perfect then started to brush my teeth.

I grab my phone and head to the kitchen with my backpack on. I've noticed everyone is awake for once. I wonder why because it's usually just me, my sister and brother up. My mom and dad always sleep in.

"Sheena!" My sister said as she pounces on me giving me a good morning hug.

"Hi Christina" I said as I hugged her back.

My sister looks like me but with her hair having highlights of black in them. She is 5,7 along with my brother. They act the same but my sister is more energetic. She's very girly and wear make up all the time. She has a boyfriend name Gabriel. Gabriel moved here with us (not in the same house) to hang out with his girlfriend more. They really are a cute couple.

I start to go to the table where the breakfast was made because of my parents. They made hash browns with eggs, pancake and bacon. I sat down next to Christina. My brother Jake sat down near me and our parents. We all ate together.

"Hopefully today is not as lame" I said while I continue eating my food.

"I bet it won't honey" Says my mom.

"Keep your head up" Dad said as he wraps his arm around her shoulder while they eat.

"She just nervous like always" Says Jake as he was noticing my hands was shaking a little.

"Shut up" I said. We all ended up laughing finishing our food.

"Well I think we should go now before we end up late to school" says Jake.

"True" says Christina.

"Bye mom and dad!" we all said before leaving out the door.

"Bye loves" they both said, holding onto each other smiling into each other eyes after smiling at us.

Christina boyfriend pulled up in front of the house offering us a ride to the school. So I said why not and joined them along with my brother. I hear my phone ring, saying that I just receive a text message. It's Ariana.

Ariana: "wassup girl"

Me: "nothing much really just going to school"

Ariana: "oh, awesome I missed you."

Me: "I missed you to, hey you know how I told you I'm a lesbian?"

Ariana: "yeah, wassup?"

Me: "I was hoping I actually find love for once. I hate being single. 😊"

Ariana: "Lol who doesn't? Text me whenever you in class to ok?"

Me: "Ok I'll try, that's if I don't get caught in class on it"

Ariana: "lol yeah, I got a feeling you will find love soon. Don't give up girl"

Me: "ok thank you, and I wont"

After that text I turn off my phone because we just arrive in the schools parking lot.

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