Chapter 2

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~Time skip to next morning...

I slowly wake, having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I crank my neck to look at my dresser. My alarm clock said it's 5:17. I look in front of me, memories of last night coming in to mind. I shake my head. No, now's not the time to think of that. I slowly get up from my sitting position, bones cracking along the way. Once I stand up, I stretch. I look over to my right, seeing my closet. I shuffle over to my closet, mumbling how I wish I could teleport over there instead of walking. I put on this,

and walked out of my room

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and walked out of my room.

"YO MOM!" I yelled. No answer. I sighed. "LISTEN YA OLD BAT, I'M 'BOUT TO GO TO SCHOOL! LOVE YA!" I yelled once again.

"LOVE YA TOO, SECOND DAUGHTER!" She finally replied, with a laugh right after. I faked a laugh with her. Not only for her sake, mine too. It's not that it isn't funny, I just haven't had a real laugh, smile, giggle, grin, or if I'm being honest, I haven't been happy ever since that day. I gave my mother a good bye hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a fake smile. Though, it dropped as I was out of her view. I walked out the door and walked down the drive way.

My fake smile came back as the bus came into view. It screeched to a halt in front of my drive way. I walked towards the now open doors of the bus, the 'smile' still on my face. They call me the 'Happiest person' they know. Strange title, I know. I step up the steps. Reaching the top, every body stops what they were doing and look at me, smile, and wave. I wave back. It breaks me more than I am already to see that the people I call 'friends' don't even see how much pain I'm in. I walk in the aisle, the students following like lost puppies. I noticed there were five new people in the very back of the bus. I started to walk to where they were but got stopped short by some thing grabbing my wrist. I looked back and most of the students were shaking there head, signaling me not to go sit with them. I looked at my wrist and saw Hunter, the jock, grabbed it. I scoffed.

"That's what all of you said when Sasha was new, but guess what? I went back there and said a simple 'hi'. And you know what that did? It made her have enough confidence to actually talk. And look at her now. She's one of the most popular people in the school. All because of one 'hi'. It gave her courage to talk to new people. And you can't say you don't like her, because once all of you see her, you run over to her full speed and talk twenty miles an hour." I snapped. They just starred at me, totally dumbfounded by my out burst. I sighed. "Bye Felicia." I said, sickly sweet, with a closed eye fake smile. I snatched my wrist back and walked to the five new teenagers at the back of the bus.

"Oh... my... god....." One of the boys said, that was next to Hunter. "HUNTER YOU JUST GOT TOLD! NOT ONLY BY A GIRL, BUT THE NICEST, HAPPIEST, PRETTIEST GIRL IN SCHOOL!" He said before collapsing in the seat he was looking over, laughing like a mad man. Soon enough, the whole bus was laughing like a pack of hyenas. Mean while, I'm over here talking to my new friends named; Tim, Toby, Brian, Jeff, and Ben. And to think; it's only in the morning.

~Time skip to school...

"What classes do you have, (Y/n)?" Tim asked. I opened my back pack, getting out my binder. I open it up and see my knife in the pencil pouch. They seemed to notice because they stopped and looked at me for answers.

"I have my reasons." I said, putting on a fake, reassuring smile. They sent me a questioning glance but shrugged it off. I pulled out my schedule, scanning along the times I have to be at certain places. "First I have P.E, then E.L.A, math, and then lunch. I'll tell you the rest later. Now come. I need to talk to all of you in private." I stated. I started walking over to the cleaning supplies closet. I looked behind me to see if they following; they were. Good. I stopped in front of the door and so did the boys. I scanned the area to make sure no one was looking. No one was.

I opened the door and pushed the teens inside. I locked the door behind us. My face had a blank yet broken look on it. My back was facing the boys. I could feel there stares on the back of my head, mean while I had a cold stare at the handle of the door. I took a shaky breath in and out.

"You lied. I don't like liars. But I'll forgive. On one condition," I said emotionlessly. I slowly turned my head to look at them. I continued. "I want to hear it come out of your mouth." I stated, the same tone as before, but this time colder.

"(Y/n), we don't know what you're talking about. Are you okay?" Ben asked. I turned around fully. An inhuman growl rose from my throat as I did so.

"You all know DAMN well what I'm talking about! And no, Ben! I'm not okay! No one knows what's wrong but me! And no one will ever know!" I roared. "It's all lies." I whispered, looking down at the stone floor.

"We d-do*tic*n't k-know *tic* what you're t-talking a-a-about*tic*!" Toby protested. By now, I've had enough.

"You're CreepyPastas, aren't you?" I asked, looking up from the floor. They visibly paled. I sighed. "So you are." I said, looking back down. I sighed again. "Don't worry. I won't tell. Just, good bye for now, friends." I said. And with that, I walked out of the closet for the next class. Putting on more fake smiles.

(A/n Hope you enjoyed! Tell me what you want to go down!


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