7. Circle

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Jesus my alarm clock made the most annoying sound known to man. I moaned tiredly and dragged myself out of bed. But not before stubbing my toe on my bedside table.

"Fuckingmotherfuckerbitchshithead," I whisper cursed. My toe was throbbing as I hobbled into the bathroom. Damn school already causing me misery.

After getting dressed in my favourite jean shorts and white t-shirt, I quickly applied a little mascara and lip gloss then made my way downstairs. My high ponytail bouncing behind me as I walked into the kitchen. Only to find Katie and Mia finishing off the box of my favourite cereal. I grabbed an apple then slid into my black vans, my backpack slung across my shoulder.

"Move your lazy butts we're going to be late," I shouted at them halfway out the door.

"Coming!" came the synchronized answer. Followed by the rushed footsteps of my best friends.

"Bye Mum!" I called as we started our 15 minute walk to school.

"Oh hello honey, nice to see you!"


"So, about you and Daniel..." Mia's voice trailed off as she wiggled her eyebrows at me. But I turned to Katie.

"So, about you and Thomas..." I mimicked Mia's gestures.

"Oh no you don't girlie. You can't expect us to let you off the hook that easy."

"Seriously? Why am I even on the hook in the first place? We literally spoke four sentences the entire night."

"Yeah well that's four more sentences then either of us got."

"Maybe I'm just the most approachable, nicest, and friendliest one of us."

We all stopped walking and turned to look at each other before bursting into laughter. That was the farthest thing from the truth.

Once they realized that my nonexistent love life was still nonexistent, the walk to school flew by as we just talked and laughed. After picking up our schedules and greeting some friends we hadn't seen all summer, the first bell rang and we made our way to Calculus. The one and only class that we all had together.

"Welcome back to hell," said Katie as she spotted Lyla Wright. Who just happened to be wearing the shortest, tightest, skimpiest outfit possible. The queen bitch was sitting on top of a desk, surrounded by her cliche of bleach blonde minions all wearing a knockoff of Lyla's outfit. Talk about some classy ladies.

"When did our school become a brothel?" I joked.

"When rumours started going around about a certain mouth watering new kid and his slightly less attractive brother," came Mia's reply, which earned her an elbow in the gut from Katie.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to degrade your man."

"Shut up," said Katie as she turned away from us in a desperate attempt to hide her blush. Someone's got a crush.

Our calculus teacher, Ms. Chandler walked into the room. Leaving everyone scrambling to find a seat before she looked up from the papers in here hand. We all knew not to get on Ms. Adams's bad side.

"Alright class lets see who I get to shout at for the rest of the year. Samantha?"




And the list went on with every single person present and on time because if you're late, may God be with you.

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