Sandy Felmonts wicked day out

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The cold air wrapped around me like the coat I didn't have, it was late night and my legs were almost bear apart from the fish netting tights and mini skirt I was practically begged to wear. I didnt even want to come to this fucking shit party but Rhonda dragged me here. If much rather fade away in my room dreaming of rock stars I can't have and smoking weed till I fall asleep.

I hated party's. I hated dressing like this for guys who only wanted one thing. I hated the arguing and the pettiness that surrounds them. I hate the cunts that walk away from the party with more gossip than the morning news. Only the popular went to party's. Rhonda was popular, she had it all when she was 19. I kept my friends counted and didn't socialize enough to make enemies

It was some lads party. Liam. He stayed in burnage,on the other side of Manchester. It was always rough here. I wasn't stuck up or posh in anyway but we were known as middle class. Not that we could hide from it.

Fraz drove us here in his mum's car. Fraz was Rhondas boyfriend. Popular football player with the pearly white smile. I was Rhondas 'baby' sister. I was only 19. Rhonda was 20, there was exactly 12 months between us. Mum had Rhonda on May 5th 1972 and me on May 19th 1972. Rhonda was the same age as this Liam bloke. Apparently they meet at the broadwalk and Liam was in some band. I just wanted to stay home and listen to the smiths and wallow in self pitty.

My dad left. Again. He had been in and out of my life since i was little.  Every time he came back Rhonda told me not to get my hopes up but i never listened. Rhonda and i had different fathers but we grew up learning that we were all family since no one actually knew who her dad was. Mum was a bit of an acid freak she was younger. My dad was kind enough to let us live in his fancy house and he payed his part but never had the guts to play his part. I only wanted him to care about me. He never did. He never will.

"Come on Sandy, cheer up will you" Rhonda begged before we walked in. I sighed and nodded, plastering a fake smile on my face as she opened the door.

First things first, was the music was good. The Beatles. A hard day's night. Nice one.

Second: It didn't seam like one of those massive american house parties. There was just enough people here to create a crowd. Maybe I misjudged this party. I didn't go to many after all. I was too busy daydreaming of bigger things.

"Liam, Liam" I hears my sister shout.

"Ronny, you made it" a guy I assumed was Liam, Replied. Liam was tall and had long Brown hair. His face was familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Liam this is me boyfriend Fraz and me little sister Sandy," she said I shook Liams hand and smiled. He was fit, i wasnt gonna lie.

"Alright love" Liam said to me. I smiled and nodded as he dragged his eyes off my body. Suddenly I was Very conscience of the fact i had little to none on.

"hay" I replied as i walked off to find booze. I couldn't stand the scrutiny of his stair. His eyes almost unclipped my bra he starred that hard.

I started to mingle with the crowd. I recognised one or two people. One of them was Bradey Heshah. I went to school with her. She was a cow to me and me mates in high school. She was currently hanging off a small Curly headed guy. I knew him too. I'm sure he worked with my uncle on the building sites round our way.

"Sandrah Felmont? Is that you?" A voice from behind me startled me. I turned. My face drained white.

"Noel?" I whisper shouted. He smiles and pulled me into a hug. Great unwanted affections contact.

"What the fuck are you doin' here?" He asked.

"My sister brought me Here, she knows the guy who's flinging this" I said. Noel raised his eyebrows.

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