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As I stand here in this hotel room staring down at all the people on the beach, I made my way out to the balcony to get a better view. The sight was more than breath taking, and I still couldn't believe I was here, in Spain. I came all this way to hopefully get a chance to complete an old but never forgotten chapter in my life. A breeze from the ocean rushed up and kissed my cheek, as it left I blushed as memories of her smile flooded my mind. Just the image of her made the marvelous sight just ahead of me pale in comparison. I was fifteen when I first saw her and sixteen when I really saw her for the gem she was. I remembered almost everything that led me there to that balcony.

It all started on that day, for some reason I remember that day being a Wednesday, the day I later learned would be the start to finding out who I truly was inside. It was one of the best days I had all week, it was the middle of March and almost the end of the school year and I was attempting to get my grades up. From the beginning of my freshman year I did just enough not to fail. I was leaving Art class now; which was possibly my most favorite subject of all, it was now time for lunch, the highlight of my very existence. As I was heading down the halls that was Jefferson High; where I began my teenage experience just a year ago to the cafeteria I spotted two of my best friends, Shelly and Amilie as I entered through the west side entrance.

Shelly, a curly haired, bronze skinned, 5'4 girl; who is pretty much my best friend for the last year and a half. Amilie on the other hand, a light skinned beauty who stood at 5'6, and I had been best friends since about birth I guess. My mother and hers had been friend's years before either of us were even though about, so it was only practical we would do everything together from then on.

Throughout our short high school years, the three of us were like the three musketeers, and did most everything together. Lunch was the best part of our days, we got to sit back and laugh about all the awful things that happened during the day, and we always had something to talk about. Amilie was the smart one of the group; with a constant 3.6 GPA, who was always seen studying. Shelly and I didn't care too much about grades, and let it show when we would skip our fourth period class- that they were foolish enough to stick us in together to wander the halls, while dodging the security guys until the bell rang.

"Hey, Losers!" I demanded, as we made our way over to the line that we always seem to congregate to, the line that always had the unhealthiest things you could think of and get as much as we could pile up on our tray. By looking at us, no one would know we ate like this every day, we all had an alethic or toned build to us but never seemed to have to hit the gym or anything.

We grabbed our pizza and French-fries then headed to the back of the cafeteria to find an empty table near the glass wall that was behind us, opening the sunlight coming from the courtyard. "Oh, my gosh, don't look now but its Kevin." Demanded Shelly. Amilie and I both turned suddenly to see Kevin entering the cafeteria. Kevin had been the topic of Shelly's ever word for the past few months, ever since we spotted him at a football game.

"Dude, do you ever talk about anything else besides that boy." I chuckled. Shelly rolled her eyes at me as Amilie was already deep in her books, going over notes for her next period class I imagine. I took a bite of my pizza and stuffed a few fries in right after a few of chews. "Like come on, he's really not that cute. Now Jason, that's a cute guy." I said with a smirk on my face. "Well, Aless. How about we don't rub it in." Amilie looked up from her books and said snidely then headed back to her books as nothing had happened.

"I don't care what you guys say, Kevin is HOTT!!" I guess she was really trying to convince us. "Like, just look at that face, and his ass. Its giving me chills just thinking about it."

"HAHA, ok, ok. I guess he does have a nice ass." We all started to laugh as Amilie started to slowly crawl out of her books and began engaging with us a bit more.

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