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Still in my arms Amy gets up and makes her way to the bathroom.

"Everything ok?" I said, trying to figure out where her head is right now.

"Yea, just have to pee." She said as she closed the bathroom door. I got up from the floor and made the bed. Shit, I doubt she would want to sleep there knowing what happened last night. I once again called the front desk for more sheets so that she would feel a little more comfortable here. She walks out of the bathroom and to her purse. She took her phone out I guess to check if she had any notifications. She texted someone as I tried not to notice. I didn't know what was going through her mind and I was afraid to ask. I wanted to give her enough time to think us over.

"It's pretty late do you want to get something to eat? We can stay in if you would like." She looked over at me.

"Sure, but I don't want to stay in this room anymore. Let's go out." I smiled; I decided to hop in the shower to get ready.

"I'm going to take a shower; do you want to join me?" She paused for a second, she looked at the time.

"Yea, but only because it's getting late. I don't want everything to close before we can grab something to eat." We make our way to the bathroom; I turn the shower on to the perfect temperature as Amy undresses. I turn to look at her beautiful naked body and was instantly mesmerized. There was no doubt in my mind that she was the girl I loved, she was the girl I needed.

"Is it ready?...Aless, is it ready?... Aless!"


"The water, is it ready?"

"Oh yea. It's ready." Did I just space out? I hopped into the shower behind Amy as we began to lather our wash cloth. I made sure to leave enough space between us so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable, it was hard for me but I knew I had to do it to keep her.

"Can you get my back please?" Whenever we took showers I would always get her back, I was surprised she asked.

"Yea." I took her cloth and came closer to her while I began to wash her back. She reached back and pulled her hair to the right in front of her revealing her neck. I scrubbed her back as she played with her hair, the longer I scrubbed the closed I crept to her. I noticed that I had stopped scrubbing and my body was now touching hers. Not being able to fight the urge anymore I ran my hand down her body, my arm around her waist as I kissed her neck. I could tell she wanted me as much as I wanted her. I turned her to face me and looked into her eyes. They were beautiful but scarred with uncertainty and pain. I kissed her eyelids and she smiled, I placed my hand on her cheek then brushed my lips against hers. She didn't push me away. With both hands cupping her face I kissed her lips, butterflies fluttered all through my body. She kissed back, and we were locked. Just as I had thought she was warming up to me again she pulled away.

"I can't." She said as tears ran down her face, she turned away from me, so I wouldn't see, but I knew. "I can't go back to the way we were, I kiss you and all I can imagine is you kissing her." I touched her shoulder to try to comfort her, but she pulled away, she stepped out of the shower and was gone. I stayed in the shower trying to hold back the tears. I turned the water off, grabbed a towel and went to get dressed.

When I went to the room Amy was almost finished getting ready. I decided to let her be. I didn't want to make her feel any more uncomfortable with me. I found a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and decide to bum it tonight. I brushed my hair up into a ponytail to kill time, that's when I noticed my stray hairs. I usually didn't put my hair in ponytails because I had such loose hair with was almost impossible to keep it looking neat.

"Hey...uhm. Do you have some bobby pins I can use to pin my hairs down?"

"Yea, check in my purse, there should be a few in there." I walked over to her purse and started digging, Amy always had what I need in her purse. For that reason, I never carried one because she could fit our whole lives in there. I dug through coms, brushes, tampons and make up. I saw something I never seen before and I decided to see what it was.

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