822 McMurray Road

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Harry stepped out of the doorway, "what are you doing here? Are you okay?" He genuinely sounded worried.

"Oh, I didn't know this was your house!! I'm sorry, I just got lost and my phone died, an I was looking for a house with the lights on so I cou-"

"Do you want to come inside?" He interrupted me with a smile on his face. I smiled back, "yes please.. If that's okay with you..?" His eyes went wide, "yeah, no! It's perfectly fine!" I blushed, "thank you - just for a little bit.."


He walked me to the kitchen, where I borrowed his phone charger to bring my phone back to life. I knew that would take a while, so we started talking.

"So... You live around here?" Harry asked. "Yeah, but I don't know where exactly... I just moved here and all." I giggled softly, causing him to grin.

We talked about classes and our hobbies and favorite things and other stuff. Harry was very sweet, which surprised me. There was just something about him that was different... But I wasn't sure what it was yet...

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

Harry sighed and I looked at him, "what's wrong?" He looked back at me, "just some friends. They're coming over, are you alright with that?" I shrugged, "yeah that's fine."

Harry walked off and came back with two boys. I recognized Louis. Harry was friends with him? Oh.

Then the boy that talked to Danielle this morning walked over. What was his name again? Liam?

"Hey, Chandler! What are you doing here?" Louis said, obviously confused. "Oh, hey Louis! Um, it's a long story." I laughed. He laughed too.

"Wait, is Dani here..?" Liam spoke up. Louis snorted and Liam glared at him. I looked at Liam, "no, just me... why?" His eyes went wide, "oh, no reason! I was just... wondering."

"Are the others coming?" Harry spoke up. Louis shook his head, "No. Niall went to a party." Harry smirked, "typical frat. What about Zayn?"

Wait a minute. He's friends with him? I spoke up, "you're Zayn's friend?" They all stopped talking. Liam chuckled, "Yeah. You know him?" I shrugged,

"Yeah, sorta.. The one with sleek black hair and sexy jawlines and gorgeous eye-" Harry cleared his throat. I looked at him, and he looked really uncomfortable. "Um yeah, that's the one..." Louis laughed.

Harry looked at his watch, "Chandler, it's almost 10. You're parents are gonna be worried." I decided not to say anything, considering my mom couldn't give two shits about me. So I just smiled, "Okay. Thanks for helping me. I'll give my dad a call."

I dialed my dad's number, and he answered almost straight away, "Chandler?! Where are you? Are you alright?" He sounded so worried. "Don't worry dad, I'm okay. I got lost, but I'm at a friends house not too far away. I'll give you the address." He breathed out, "Okay, thank goodness! I thought something had happened to you!! What's the address?"

I looked at Harry and he wrote it down, "It's 822 McMurray Road." "Okay sweetheart. I'll be there soon."

When my dad arrived, he texted me to come outside to the car. I quickly said goodbye to Louis and Liam. Harry was waiting by the door with his hands shoved in his pockets. "Thanks for the help, Harry. And for today, when you stopped those guys from hurting me."

He smiled at the ground, and I could see his dimples. "Oh it's no big de-" I stopped him from talking by planting a small kiss on his cheek. He looked at me with wide eyes. I smiled shyly, and opened the door and left.

When I got home, I laid on my bed for a while thinking about Harry. He was so cute, yet so sexy. His lip piercings and tattoos were so hot. But was he the right kind of guy for me? I doubt he liked me. But still, he did seem to be jealous when I talked about Zayn.

Oh well, I decided not to let it get to me. I had a quick shower and got ready for bed. Then I went to my closet and picked out my outfit for tomorrow.

I grabbed my leggings, my burgundy muscle tee, and my plain black Doc Martens. To accessorize, I picked out my nose ring, and some casual finger rings. My outfit for tomorrow was complete.

Before I went to bed, I put my hair in a french braid. Finally, I grabbed my phone and got into bed. As I was scrolling through twitter, I got a text message. It was from Eleanor:

Hey ! Are you still on Friday night ?

You bet ! What should I wear ?

Oh lol ! We're going to a party, remember? So me and Dani will probably wear like shorts and cute tops - nothing fancy ! Wbu ?

Um.. Probably the same as you girls ! Thanks for the advice ! See ya tomorrow

Ok goodnight xx

"A party," I thought, "I haven't gone to a high school party in forever! Just go along with it and you'll be fine." I was going to a frat party, as I recall Dani describing it. A frat party - me! Maybe being regular would get me somewhere nowadays!

And just like that, I fell asleep thinking all about the big party I was going to just four days from now.

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