The Curly Haired Boy

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Chandler's POV

My name is Chandler Bell. I'm 17 years old and I'm from a small town in Texas. I've just moved to Los Angeles, California, and I'm really nervous. I hope people don't make fun of me and I really hope I make some friends...


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I reached across my side table and hit my alarm clock. First day of school in LA. Great.

I went to my bathroom and washed my face and grabbed all my makeup and hair tools. I thought it would be good to try and make an effort for my first day.

I curled my long brown hair and shook out some of the unnatural looking curls. Next, I grabbed my makeup and put on foundation, eyeliner, mascara, blusher, and a nude lipstick.

I rummaged through my closet until I found a plain black skater dress and my white high top converse. Last I put my small nose piercing in and grabbed my backpack.

Here we go.

I walked downstairs to find my dad making pancakes. "Hey dad," I smiled and he looked over. "Morning, sweetheart! I made some pancakes for you." "Thanks dad. I love you." He kissed me on the forehead and have me a plate. "Love you, too."

After breakfast, I grabbed my keys and left after saying goodbye to my dad. "Good luck, Chan. I love you, and I'm sure other people will too."

I drove up to the school. Wow, it was a lot bigger than my old school. I took in some deep breaths and opened my car door. There were some people outside the school and, of course, they were all in their typical groups. Nerds, jocks, cheerleaders, regulars, and irregulars.

I walked up to the "regulars," which were people like me. Casual, sarcastic but nice, smart but not nerdy, and funny without trying to be. Yep, that was basically me.

"Hey, are you new here?" One girl asked when she saw me. She had olive skin and curly brown hair. "Yeah, hi I'm Chandler Bell." Everyone smiled at me. Then she spoke again, "Danielle Peazer. But everyone calls me-"

"Dani?" She was interrupted by a tall boy with a brown quiff and facial hair. He looked at me, and then back at Danielle. I saw he had a lip piercing and many tattoos on his neck and arms. She looked at him first with a shock, and then with a glare.

"Yeah?" She stammered. He lightly smiled, "can we talk... alone?" She smirked, "sure, as long as my friends are around." Liam frowned, "I'm serious." "Well, so am I," she said. There was the sarcasm I was talking about.

"Fine. I just wanted to say that I miss you and I'm sorry about everything. I still love you, and even if you don't love me, I'll never stop. You are the most amazing girl I've ever met, and I was stupid for letting you go." Then he turned and walked back toward his group of friends.

Dani's eyes were watery but she still had a glare on her face. "Asshole." She muttered under her breath. I looked over at Liam's group of friends, who looked like him. All with tattoos and piercings, and they all wore skinny jeans and dark colors. One with curly brown hair was looking at me for a long time with a smirk on his face.

After talking for a while with Dani and her friends, we decided to hang out on Friday night at her house. I couldn't believe I had already made friends before school even started.

Dani and another girl, Eleanor (who went by El) walked with me to my locker while we talked about our classes. I had History with the both of them, and Math with El.

As I opened my locker, I heard El mumble something like, "oh boy, here he comes.." But I let it pass. That was until someone opened my locker door even more to get a clear view of me.

I looked up to find the curly haired boy that was looking at me earlier. He had that same smirk on his face. Woah, he was hot, I thought. "Hey," he said in a low, raspy voice. Oh my gosh.

"Um... Hi..." I said so quietly, that only he could hear. He grinned, showing his huge dimples. "What's your name, babe." I almost choked. "I'm Chandler. And you?" I slightly smirked, causing him to grin even more. God, he was so attractive.

"Harry," he said in my ear and walked off, leaving me speechless. I turned around to find El and Dani with their mouths practically on the floor. Then we all started laughing.

"Dude, what the hell was that?!" El laughed. I shrugged, "he's really hot though, isn't he?" They kept laughing, "of course he is! But he's also a complete jerk and the school bad boy. Do not even think about being with Harry, Chandler. You're too good for him." Dani said in a serious tone.

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