Chapter 24: "Shopping and Stephen."

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Autumn's POV

We drove to the mall for about an hour and in the car ride it was full of singing and laughter. When we arrived and after casey parked, we ran to the mall and hit the stores immediately. After about 3 hours of shopping i was freaking tired but the girls weren't and when they started to really drag me to another store i whined at them at how tired and hungry i was. After about an hour full of my whines they finally had enough of my whining and groaning, Ren told me where the food court was and said i could eat and just text the girls if i was done so they could come at me. 

I bought MC Donald's and just sat there eating not paying attention to anything but my food that i didn't realize that somebody was watching me. I mean i could feel the stare but i didn't acknowledge it so i wouldn't freak out. I finished eating quickly and went to buy books. I entered a bookstore called 'Bookies'. I liked it, it had all the books i liked, the classics and the recent ones were there so yay. Even when i was looking at books and picking what to buy i could still feel that familiar stare like the one in MC Donald's. I started to fell unease so i decide to text the girls. I paid the books in the counter and walked away as quickly as possible. I went inside Starbucks and the place was full, i stand in line hiding to the a big buff guy who is behind me. 

"Welcome to Starbucks, what is your order?" the dude in the counter said when it was my turn. 

"A cappuccino please." i told him and glancing around Starbucks from the corner of my eye.


"Snow." i tell him cause autumn seemed longer. 

"Okay." he said slowly and looked at me weirdly. 

"Next." he said and i walked off to find a seat after paying now all i have to do is wait. I quickly found one and it was in the back and it's a booth. I sat there and quickly pulled my thoughts together and pulled my phone out of my bag to text the girls. 

"Hey, where are you guys?" i text to casey. 

"I'm in Forever 21, Elena and Alex are in Top Shop and Ren is in Gap, what about you where are you?" she said. 

"I'm in Starbucks and i have to tell you something." i tell her nervously and as if she could sense it her voice sounded strong and shaky at the same time. 

"What?" she said immediately.

"I can't do it here on the phone, i don't feel it safe." i tell her while glancing around the room. 

"You know you can mind link me right?" she says. I laugh and she does too. Oh yeah, i completely forgot about that.

"Oh yeah kay wait a sec." i tell her then hung up. 

"Hey Casey." i called out to her. 

"Hey and what is it that you needed to tell me." she says. 

"Oh yeah, i've been feeling that somebody is following me, i mean when i ate at MC Donald's i felt it first, it was staring at me and when i went to the bookstore it was still there so i thought maybe in a crowded place it won't find me so now i'm at Starbucks waiting for my drink which i now realize is taking too long." i explain to her. 

"Hmmm, okay just wait and see if 'it'will come back and when it does just make a run for it and call me okay Luna?" she says in a demanding yet in a good way tone. She was my Beta Female after all. I felt pride surge to me. 

"OK, Got it,see yeah." i tell her. 

"Kay, bye." she says then cut of out link. 

"Cappuccino for Snow." i hear a girl say and i went towards that, she gives me the drink and i walk off and just wander around. 

When i was looking at some clothes through the window i felt it again but a bit closer. I spun around and saw a guy snapped its head away and act like looking at some shops. I narrow my eyes at him then walk. I glance at him from the corner at my eye and see he is following me. After a few minutes of me 'mindlessly' walking around and the guy following me i had enough. I walked through a curve and hid and waited for the guy. When he turned grabbed him by the collar and walked off somewhere hidden. We were now in a safe spot, i let go of him and he steps back just a tad bit but still close to me as if for protection. I smelled that he was a werewolf and mated i think. 

"Why are you following me?" i demanded at him in my alpha tone he flinches just a bit. The guy was big and muscular but not like damien, he had brown hair and bright green eyes. I sensed an eerie of something at him, it kinda tells me to trust him or something but we'll see. 

"I was assigned as your guard by alpha,luna to follow you around." he says. I relaxed knowing i and the girls were safe. 

"Oh, Sorry, i didn't know." i apologize to him and he gives me a smile which i give back. 

"no worried luna i didn't mean to scare you though." he says and i nodded in understanding.

"What's your name?" i ask him.

"Stephen, Luna." 

"Stop calling me luna just autumn and are you a pack warrior?" 

"Yes Luna." 

"I told you just autumn i'm still not used to it." 

"Ok autumn." he says testing out my name and i grinned at him which made him smile back at me.

"Well are there other warriors surrounding also?" i ask him

"Yes luna the alpha instructed to keep you and your friends safe." he says. 

"Is this a pack mall or a human one?" i ask him cause i've been wandering it for a while, nobody seemed to be i don't know like rude or something at us and some were even bowing in respect when we enter a store or something. 

He winces and answers wearily. " A pack one." 

"I knew it." i speculate loudly. 

"Well then let's go and find the girls." i tell him and we walk off but he still walks behind me. I look over at him in my shoulder. 

"What are you doing there? you don't have to walk behind me you know." i tell him.

"I know luna but i have to for your safety." he says and i just nodded understanding. We walk around but when we got to Forever 21 casey wasn't there so we went to Top Shop Alex and Elena weren't there either so last we went to Gap where Ren should be but she wasn't there. 

"Where the hell are they?" i question no one in particular then as if a light bulb turned on in my head. 

"Oh i  can use the mind link haha silly me." 

"Hey Guys, Where are you?" i asked the girls.

"Oh we're at the food court eating." Alex was the one who answered. 

"Why didn't you tell me i got hungry looking for you guys."

"Sorry, we're at Yellow Cab by the way." Elena says.

"OK me and stephen will be there." i tell them then cut of our mind link.

"They are at yellow cab stephen so we shall go and eat with them i'm hungry." i tell stephen and we walk off to yellow cab. When we reached there the girls were eating and talking. 

"Hey Guys." i said and i sat down next to casey.

"Hey, i guess you've met stephen." alex says then says hi to stephen.The girls said hi back but stephens eyes never left elena as did elena. 

"Mate." they said simultaneously. 

"Yay, Congrats guys." i tell them then everybody started to say it too. They did there mate thing and hugged and kissed. 

"Let's go, im beat." i say and everyone agrees. We drove home and when we got there i went to mine and damiens room immediately and took care of everything i bought. I took off what i was wearing and slipped on one of damiens shirt and went to take a nap. I mean it was only 3 in the afternoon and with that last thought i slipped into darkness. 

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