Chapter 37: "You and Your Assumptions."

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Autumn's POV

Waking up in an empty bed without your mate beside you was not good, nope not good at all. After our little session in his office, i slept for what felt like an hour then he woke me up by trailing kisses on my back and to my shoulders and to my neck, waking me up officially. I don't know how we got to our room but i am thankful. Now i just hope nobody heard us mostly me screaming. I sat up an looked around the room trying to see if my mate is somewhere but i don't. I wore Damiens shirt and put on one of his boxer shorts also. I went to the bathroom and when i looked in the mirror i almost screamed at how i looked liked. 

I had sex/bed hair, i was blushing like crazy and my lips are swollen from some of Damiens rough kisses. I washed my face and tamed my bed/ex hair then put it on a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom after turning off the light. I then went out of our room in search for my mate, i relied on our mating pull and it lead me to his office. I turned the knob and found it UN-locked. I poked my head inside and saw my mates back hunched over his table, frozen. 

"Damien?" i asked walking inside the room then closing the door behind me. He was still not moving so i move closer, i place my hand on his shoulder and said: "Damien." softly, he jumped in surprise of my voice and touch when he spun around i almost fell on my back but he quickly caught me. I was pressed in his chest and inhaled his scent calming my frantic heart. 

"Damien, what are you doing here?" i asked lifting my head up to look at him. I see he is staring at me with a blank expression that immediately makes me nervous. His hand comes up and i look at it to see my blood results. I look at him wide eyed and took a step back to create a bit of space between us, he lets me. 

"Where did you get that?" i asked him calming myself. 

"When were you going to tell me?" he asks ignoring my question. I drop my head to the floor and suddenly find it interesting. 

Oh Look, dust on the floor and over there is dust and over there is more dust. 

dust, dust, dust, dust, dust....

I started to create a song in my head about dust that i awoke from my 'dream' when Damien tightened his arms around me. 

"TELL ME!" he roared and i got pissed.

Nobody screams at me for no apparent reason. 

I ripped his arms of me and step away from him, i glared at him and folded my arms in my chest trying to look tough but on the inside i had a tinge of fear on Damien. 

He took calming breaths and looked at me, his eyes softening, he tries to step forward but that just made took another step back. He saw this and muttered a curse in himself. 

"Please, Tell Me." he said pleadingly. 

"I was going to surprise you on your birthday, sort of like a present." i explain calmly, he motions for me to go over to him but i just sahke my head 'no'. His eyes narrow and looks around the room, i can see him forming a plan but i beat him to it. 

"Why are you so mad? Did you think it was from some guy?" i ask him and by the guilty expression on his face i knew i was right.

"Oh Damien, You and Your Assumptions." i say then walk over to him and pull him in for a kiss. When we pull back i ask him what's bee eating me for days. 

"Why were you such in a rush when i called like 2 days ago?" i ask him, he shuffles nervously at my question.

"Well..." he drifts off, panicking. 

"Well?" i ask him impatiently, just wanting to know his answer.

"You see uhm-" he starts tu stutter while explaining. 

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