•Chapter 6: Sweet Plans•

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| C h a p t e r  6 |

As I emerge from the darkness into the glow of the brightly-lit house, I'm slightly taken aback by the sights I see. The scene in front of me is a typical high school party, complete with kegs and drunk teenagers.  Sure, I've been to loads of parties back in London, but none of them were as severe as this.

I shove past a dude that is sticking his rotating between sticking his tongue down three different girl's throats.


Grabbing a beer from the minibar, I begin walking deeper into the house. I take a second to to look in the mirror I'm walking past.

My makeup is simple yet striking, only a nude lip with some eyeliner to bring out the gold specks in my eyes. My waist length hair is straight, looking almost effortless yet somehow put together.

My free hand reaches my waist and I touch the soft black mini dress I'm wearing. The delicate fabric makes me feel like a million bucks.

"Didn't expect you to ever come back, Hollister."

I jump, startled by the unexpected voice, which belongs to none other than Joe Samson, who happens to be Wyatt's partner-in-crime. He chuckles deeply, causing me to shiver.

There was once a time when we were actually friends.

But all good things come to an end, right?

"Joseph! What a displeasure," I say, smugly with a cocky grin. Last time I was around him, I was stuttering and whimpering.

Oh how times have changed! His eyes widen from shock, probably surprised that I've grown a pair. I wonder what he thought that he would accomplish by coming up to me. More taunting remarks about my weight, or hair, or personality? 

I wouldn't let it happen again.

"Cat got your tongue?" I whisper.

"Damn, I didn't think you had it in you to be a fucking bitch."

I roll my eyes, "It was always there, it just decided to hide behind all of the teasing." We fell silent for a moment.

"Listen Ashley-"

"No, you listen," I cut him off, "You messed with me and nothing you say will ever forgive that. So don't even start."

His jaw clenches, eyes getting colder. I push past him and walk away to find my real target who I'm almost certain will be here.

You see, my plan to take down Wyatt is simple. He's never going to see what's coming. I'm going to go in stages.

Stage one: Payback for the time he chopped my hair off. 

This stage is the least severe of my three-part plan.

I'm going to get him drunk, cover my face, and dye his hair an obnoxious shade of permanent neon green, which is a shade I remember him hating.

Sounds easy enough, right?

That's when I see Wyatt walking into the house. He looks around and our eyes meet.

His mouth is agape and his eyes zeroed in on my face, as if unable to believe I'm really there. He begins to take long strides toward me.

"Ashley, wait!" he calls after me, pushing through the crowds to try to come closer.

I grab a large bottle of vodka off the table, along with some shot glasses. 

This should get him drunk enough. He's always been kind of a lightweight.

As he comes closer, I can feel my heart pounding. I need to make myself appear as nonchalant and unaffected as possible.  I grab my still unfinished beer and take a sip as he comes up next to me. 

I pour out a line of shots and grab a lime, nudging my head towards it.

He grabs two and takes them back. "Thanks, I needed that." We stare at each other in silence for a few seconds.

"I just can't believe you're actually here again," he finally breathes out.

"Yeah, it's been a while."

"You don't even understand how badly I wanted to tell you that... well..."

"Well what?"

He exhales and downs another shot. This is far easier than my orginal plan of paying someone to make him do a beer keg.

"Um.. I'm sorry. When I saw you at the gym two days ago, I was in shock," he peers away for a second before looking at me dead in the eye. "I swear I'll make it up to you! I know that what happened three years ago was bad, but I need this guilt in me to go away because it feels like it's been eating me alive since you left."

"Listen, Wyatt," I sigh, "Let's just behave responsibly, like adults, and pretend like nothing happened. I don't want any drama this year." Not bad acting, Ash!

"So you forgive me?" he asks, eyes lighting up with a sort of hope.

"I guess it depends on how you look at it," I reply and the light in his eyes dims down a bit. "I'm usually a believer in forgive but don't forget... and I've made peace with myself, but the trauma needs time to heal."

"Understandable," he tells me.

"I accept your apology," not, "but it's kind of hard to be around you".

He nods and pours three more shots for himself. It takes a lot for me to not burst out laughing at the face he makes when the liquid burns his throat.

It's game time.


 Author's note:

So it's been a while since I've updated. All I can say is writer's block and exams.

Anyways, I published a new story here on Wattpad called "Vertigo."

This story is a little dark, to be honest, and I have no idea where it came from. Do you ever just dream about something and have the urge to write it all down to the point where you feel restless? Well that was definitely what happened with Vertigo.

I'm actually way more proud of that story than Sweet Revenge, to be honest.

Is it bad for an author to prefer one of their stories over the other? Probably.

Sweet Revenge is more on the trashy teen fiction side and I know that's what some people prefer. I'll complete it, eventually, I just lack inspiration. But I promise to get more out.

Until next time,

XxThatBibliophilexX <3  

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