Chapter One: Background and cheating.

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A/N Fred is alive and so is Snape but that's a surprise for later. This fits bit like a diary entry.


Thursday 31st August.

Dear Diary, 

                     Today I caught Ron writing in his diary and Ginny took it off of him and he started fighting with her and he ended up begging her not to tell me thinking I was stupid. Ginny read the words, "Today I shagged Harry and Lavender. People think that she died but in reality I've been hiding her and shagging her whenever I can. Herms isn't just into that stuff. So, I'm gonna use her as a show off toy. I love and everything but she's just not what I'm looking for." I stopped reading there and started hexing him. Mrs. Weasley burst through the door and read what I read and started hexing him with me. I did more harmful spells obviously but Molly just did some ineffective ones. Ginny bat bogey hexed him. Me and Ginny left then and stomped off into Harry's room. I started throwing hexes and he was yelling then Ginny started hexing him too. It was hilarious when they both ran into each other. Mrs. Weasley then told Ginny to remove the curse and she did. They where both grounded for cheating on me Ginny. Me and Ginny where dating them but we dumped them after that obviously. Anyway, I'll write tomorrow. Bye.

DRACO'S POV. Thursday 31st August.

Dear Journal,

                           So, mum bought me this thing today and told me it was a diary. It's Slytherin Green with red and gold strips in it. Mum got it and started explaining thing to me. It started off a little like this, 

"So, Draco honey. We where supposed to explain to this on your birthday but with your father being imprisoned, I had to explain to you and couldn't bring myself to do it. Draco, you are a Veela. You have until the fifth of June next year to find and bond with your mate. She's in your school and will change drastically. Luckily for you this came in today. It's your acceptance letter from Hogwarts. You're Head Boy."

"Woah." Was all I could say. Well, I'm only doing this for mum so I guess I need to write how I felt in here to. Ugh. I hate sharing my feelings. The only two people I've ever explained how I feel is my mother and Blaise. Blaise has always been a best mate since we where in nappies so I guess he's my only true friend. Especially since the war. Crabbe won't talk to me and Pansy's just a stalker who only likes me for my money and false reputation of me being the Slytherin - I better stop there actually. Mum, I know you're gonna read this so don't bother asking what they call me. Anyway, I've gotta deal with Granger when I go back to school. I don't doubt for a second that Her, Weasel bee and St. Potty and his putrid little girlfriend Weaslette will be going back and Granger's got Head Girl. Well, at least I'll hopefully have Blaise to back me up. He's always been soft and Granger and Weaslette cause he fancies her. Well, with all this Veela Sh - stuff I'll have to deal with Granger when it's all blown over, or I'm dead. Then I'll see her in Hell. Only joking, she'll never go to Hell. Perfect little Granger, never hurts a fly. Except when she punched me in third year. But this journal is getting way to long and my hands hurting so Bye.


I wondered around the breakfast table after breakfast when an owl crashed into the window. I told Mrs. Weasley and she got the letters from the scabby barn owl. She had one for all of us. After the war, things got uneventful since there was no school anymore. I gave out the letters. They where from Hagwarts. I squealed when I opened mine. I was jumping up and down squealing. Mrs. Weasley (Molly) blasted in. 

"Hermione dear, why are you squealing?" She asked me and I gave her the letter. "You're accepted to Hogwarts and you're Head Girl!" Molly said a little less excited than I was. Ginny came rushing down.

"By Mione's excitement I'm guessing she's Head Girl? I'm deputy so YAY!" Ginny sqealed with me. Ron and Harry just stood there watching us with confused looks. They hadn't been paying attention. 

Fred and George weren't aloud back as they were too old and fully trained with their wands. So was we but we missed a year and the war took some of their year. 

"Okay girls calm down." Molly said so me and Ginny stopped and struggled to contain our excitement. "And besides, we've only got two days so I guess you better get ready and we'll go to Diagon Alley." Molly continued and me and Ginny rushed upstairs. We wen't to Diagion Alley half an hour later as me and Ginny had to get ready.


I was in the manor when my mum comes upstairs with her tear stained face as usual since Aunt Bella died. She may have been psychotic and murderous but she love her family and we loved her. I can remember dancing and celebrating my progress in potions. That was until she tortured her. I still hear her piercing screams in the hall and my father grabbing the back of my neck looking dreadful. But when she wrote that dreaded word on her arm and I - I couldn't do anything about it. Therefore another weakness that I have. I chose not to follow through it. That makes three. My family and friends, my 'DeathEater' status and finally her. Whoever calls me heartless, are wrong. I just have mask my fear and weakness and struggle to stand tall when they throw hate or avoid me. I almost cried when she punched me in third year and broke my nose calling me a foul loathsome evil little cockroach. It was funny on her side th - what am I thinking. UGH I need sleep. But instead I go to Diagon Alley for more things.

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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