Chapter 24

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Zander walked to the family room again after dinner that night. He wanted to know either Carlisle accepting his proposal or not. And, the younger man behaviours during dinner did not gave anything to answer that question.

He pushed open the closed door and switch on the light button. He took a drag of deep breath before he released it. Nervously, he peaked inside to see either the small black velvet box that he had gave to Carlisle, earlier, still on top of he coffee table or not.

Peaked inside, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. The coffee table was hidden by a single sofa in front of the door. He can feel that his curiousity was higher than his courage now. Based on that, he gulped his saliva and willed for the best, he walked inside the room to check for it.

Zander walked slowly, deemed for his heartbeats to slow down. But, the view in front of him made his knees buckled, he felt down on the sofa. With a shaky hand he reached the box on the coffee table. Gripped it tightly, he leaned his head on the sofa. "Of course. Who want to take such a big responsible. Not like he will get any benefits from this.", he released a perplexed laughed. With a hand on his closed eyes, he was thinking or, tried to be.

Clock ticked but Zander's mind still hazy. He was undeniably fail to look for any way to make Carlisle conceded with his decision. With a sighed, he glanced to the clock on the wall. It had been almost an hour he stayed inside the room.

Walked outside, he was contemplating either to go to his room or not as he believed that Carlisle undoubtedly inside. He wished to put a bit distance between them tonight as he needed a space to process everything.

He was rejected.

Opted to not fall deep in despondency, right now, Zander just walked without a direction with a hazy mind.

One step at a time.

Zander dragged his legs slowly with his head hung low and shoulders slumped down. Ignored anything that happened around his surrounding, he just walked like his legs was on autopilot. His eyes looked straight to the floor, almost lifeless, until the collisions happened. Like been tugged from his mind, he stopped. He raised his head to look up, trying to check the other solid source of collision. In front of him was a solid wooden door. It was no wondered that he felt a bit tingle of pain on his head. And, before he even reacted to distancing himself from it, the door was opened.

"Woah! Did you lean your head on the door? You're too near to it.", Carlisle looked​ at the man in front of him, up and down after asking the question. But, there was no answer been given. Sighed, he continued, "Why did you knocked? This is your room. Just come in like usual.", He protested in confusion before walked inside the room. He thought somebody else who had knocked the door.

Zander stumped on his foot. "Am I hallucinate?", he muttered. He turned his head to his left and right. It was real, he was standing at the corridor in front of his room.

"Why are you still standing at there. Just come in. I'm not going to bite." Carlisle said in monotone.

"Ah, yes." Zander walked slowly to his own room. He walked to his wardrobe to change for a pyjamas and then to the bathroom for his night routine. As soon as he walked out from the bathroom, he saw Carlisle was sitting on the edge of the bed, facing him.

"You know...", Carlisle started his words without looking at Zander. "...I tend to day dreaming almost at every free time I got. My habit.". He shrugged, "One of it was I am to be propose in a romantic way." He glanced to the froze man in front of him. "A bit cliche, maybe but I see myself standing in a place like garden with flowers surrounded me. Then, there's this smell of blossom that made the scene better. Though, I never put a face to the other person but I imagine he will kneeling--"

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