Hiro~ The Only Hiro In Thy Life

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I'm a bit of an energetic and adventurous person. Sometimes it can get me in trouble or sometimes in danger. But hey I'm still here so everything is fine. I may seem like a crazy person on the outside, but deep down I'm quite quiet and timid, I just don't show it much. When I'm alone, I'd like to sit on the rooftops and take in the view that's in front of me while listening to the sounds around me. The higher the better. One day, I wasn't exactly having the same energy as I usually do, so instead, I just decided to walk around the city. I wanted to find a quiet place, somewhere where I can let my thoughts flow around and disappear. I walked into a quiet neighborhood, and saw a tall building. The building seemed to be an apartment or some sort, has its levels, about 7 levels. Not too high but not too low either, just perfect for me to gaze out into the distance. There was a fire staircase on the side of the building, I walked towards it and climbed it. About 2-3 minutes later I reached the very top of the building, it has a ledge around the border of the rooftop. It wasn't high or thick or anything, it was just a protrusion of a ledge. The breeze grazed passed me and I closed my eyes. The warm sun high above me with the clear sky encasing me. I walked towards the ledge and looked down, there were a few people walking by but it wasn't a busy street so it was quite quiet. I sat sown on the ledge and slung my legs onto the other side of the ledge and let them dangle on the side of the building. I could see the rooftops of the shorter buildings and houses, it was a beautiful view. I shifted a little and something jabbed my thigh, I lifted my thigh up and saw a cracked spot on the ledge. It didn't look too bad so I didn't care too much. I closed my eyes and listened to the quiet sounds around me. About 2 minutes later, I heard laughter and talking in the distance below me. They were men voices, and there were about 4-5 voices. I opened my eyes and leaned forward little while holding the other side of the ledge to give me grounding as I looked down. As they came across a corner on the other side of the street, I saw 5 young men. Couldn't make out their faces because they were quiet far, and my view was a bit above them. Well the hair was quite easy. One has a grayish purple hair that covered a little bit of his eyes, another one has shoulder length hair and wears a beanie, another one has shoulder wavy black hair that was tied up half way in the back, another one with black hair but with a silver layer on top and his fringes shapes his face perfectly, then there was one more black hair in the middle, his was shaved at the side with the top left alone, it was styled- sleek and brushed back. I gave a small laugh. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. Their voices got closer and closer below me till about right under me. I didn't care because I was immersed in the moment. From the back and on the side of the building, I heard footsteps coming up the fire staircase. It got louder and louder, not to mention it was pretty fast too. The pair of footsteps finally reached the top and stopped. I opened my eyes and gave a glance to the person. The sun was really bright so I had to squint a bit, couldn't make out his appearance because the sun was behind him causing a blurry silhouette instead. He didn't seem like someone who wants to hurt me though so I turned back.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked.

His voice was deep but very unique- it sounded rich and seemed like a vibrating chest voice and that made me wonder if he could be a singer.

"I'm perfectly fine thank you." I said without looking back.

"Ok, but I'm a bit worried because those ledges aren't that strong." He said.

"And how would you know?" I asked.

"Because I've been up here a few times myself and I almost fell off." He replied.

"Well don't worry about me, I'll be ok." I said getting a bit irritated.

"You know there are better places to get some peace and quiet, sitting on top of a 7 level building isn't one of them. He said, his voice slowly getting closer.

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